Best dressed at the Bristol Freshers’ Fair

All the fun of the fair


Every year the mayhem that is the freshers fair descends upon Bristol. Everything that the uni has to offer is laid out before you, as sports and societies from A Cappella to Zumba compete for your love, attention and email address.

The Freshers’ Fair is the first time in the uni calendar that all the new bright eyed freshers mix with their jaded equivalents in second and third year, bedecked in their finest wavy garms. Below is a list of all the best dressed people we found at this year's freshers fair.

Best dressed cultural societies

Peng a leng

Peng a leng

Best dressed matching uniforms

When the squad is on point

When the squad is on point

Most outlandish attire

You shall not pass

You shall not pass

Best dressed SU officers

The good, the bad and the ugly

The good, the bad and the ugly

Best dressed subject-related stereotype

The Wolf of Park Street

The Wolf of Park Street

Best dressed national stereotype

Oooooohh Canada!

Oooooohh Canada!

I'm guessing the tache wasn't real

I'm guessing the tache wasn't real

Best dressed sporting activity

Outfits on point

Outfits on point

Brizzle reppin'

Brizzle reppin'

Wavier than their water sports

Wavier than their water sports

Waviest garms for wokest causes

"But stay woke"- Childish Gambino, 2016

"But stay woke"- Childish Gambino, 2016

Best dressed non-stallholders

That glitter tho

That glitter tho

And the worst dressed…

(Pity their poor neighbours)

(Pity their poor neighbours)