selly oak

A UOB Student is running to be Selly Oak councillor

He’s a man with a plan

Why Birmingham University is the best in the UK

We’ve got fab, what more could you want?

The United Church of God are doing door-to-door baptisms in Selly

They even baptised a student in the shower

Stop blaming your ex-boyfriend

We’ve really done nothing wrong

An apology letter to myself

We’ve all done cringe things we regret

A definitive list of the worst things about UoB

We can’t even get a clock right

Don’t be ‘that guy’. Share your revision notes.

Friends are more valuable than grades.

Facebook’s personal robot at your service

Because basketball game updates just don’t cut it

Second year is FAR better than freshers

Fear not, first years

Do you regret your housemates?

‘I felt trapped’

Students from the South are SO annoying

Birmingham is not in the ‘North’, alright?

The sounds you’re most likely to hear in Selly

It’s hard to defend Selly with all THIS going on

A letter to my 16 year-old self

You know one day you’ll have to wash up your plates everyday?

Naked man arrested after streaking down Broad Street

He really let himself go

I’m not a failure because I don’t know what to do after uni

So stop asking me, I will cry

Popworld is the best club in Birmingham

The club you love to hate isn’t so bad

Clubbers of the term: St Paddy’s day special

The best of the best

What does it mean to be going on a year abroad?

I can’t work out whether I’m really excited, or really nervous

I am so tired of ironic sexism

It’s not banter

Every stage of Snapchat you’ve almost definitely forgotten about

‘Best Friends’ AKA ‘Who was getting off with who’