Here’s how you can stop being DMed and tagged by bots in random Instagram giveaways

If I ‘win’ another iPhone 13 I am going to SCREAM

Picture the scene: You wake up in the morning to your alarm blaring, and through your groggy eyes you see you have 27 Instagram notifications! You click on the app chuffed, imagining that pic you posted yesterday is popping off. Then the blood drains from your face as you see the true horror: You’ve been tagged in a stream of fake posts by endless bots, all falsely proclaiming you’ve won something like an iPhone 13. Right now it feels like you can barely move on social media without being tagged in random giveaways, but here’s finally a solution for how to stop bots tagging and DMing you on Instagram.

TikTok user @strategisewithcare has made a video revealing exactly how to do stop the random Instagram mentions – and it’s super easy. You can also stop random people on Instagram from being able to DM you.

Here’s exactly how to stop bots tagging you in Instagram giveaways, in four simple steps:

1. Go to your settings

2. Select “Privacy”

3. Click on “Mentions”

4. Change to only allow mentions from people you follow – meaning people who you don’t follow won’t be able to tag you in comments

how to stop, bots, instagram, insta, giveaways, iphone 13, tagged, mentions, messages, dmed

How to stop bots tagging you in Instagram mentions

You can do the same thing with your messages – here’s how to stop bots DMing you on Instagram:

1. As above, go to your settings, then “Privacy”

2. Click on “Messages”

3. Click “Others on Instagram”, and choose “Don’t receive requests”. This means people who don’t follow you won’t be able to send message requests

4. If you click on the “Group chats” section too, you can make it so only people you follow can add you to private DM groups

how to stop, bots, instagram, insta, giveaways, iphone 13, tagged, mentions, messages, dmed

How to stop bots DMing you on Instagram messages

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Featured image background (before edits) via Anton on Unsplash, screenshots via Instagram