If you do even one of these activities over Easter you’re officially from a posh family

7. Playing badminton

Everyone knows the tell-tale signs of a posh Christmas: smoked salmon, shooting and stockings from Harrods. Easter is more elusive but there are definitely still clear giveaways that indicate to your uni mates and Instagram followers that you’ve returned home for a big fat Tory Easter. Think your April is giving Made in Chelsea? Score over four on this list and we’ll agree with you.

If you do 4/10 of these activities over Easter you’re officially from a posh family:

1. Taking part in a bonnet competition 

Credit: Sony

You got a taste for decorating Easter bonnets at primary school and lucky for you your home counties energy has carried the habit through to adulthood. Around 10AM you’ll skip off to the local parish with a straw hat laden with minute easter chicks and give all the toddlers a sideways glance if they look in with a chance of beating you. Evil.

2. Point-to-point horse racing 

Fire up the landy, point-to-point is essentially a mini horse racing event organised by people who normally go hunting. To break it down, it’s peak Tory. Eddie Redmayne was spotted at the one in Cheshire last Easter—  that’s all you really need to know.

3. Easter egg rolling 

Image may contain: Bowl, Person, People, Human

You may have heard of cheese rolling (the South West practise of flinging Double Gloucester down a hill) and it turns out in certain parts of the UK posh people actually easter egg roll, too. I will never understand the upper class. 

4. Visiting your second home on the coast 

It’s not Easter unless you go to Whitstable for oysters. Duh.

5. Hosting a Green & Black’s heavy egg hunt 

Bonus points if it’s on your family’s estate.

6. Skiing getaway before the end of the season 

ski puns

The second it hits Maundy Thursday, Meribel and Courchevel are (apparently) calling.

7. Playing badminton and croquet 

easter eggs

Just something to entertain yourself with while mummy cooks the roast. Signet ring friendly sport.

8. Dog walks to the local gastro pub 

As soon as your out of office is on, so is your Barbour jacket.

9. Whispering Angel ladened BBQ’s 


Rosé wine is essentially water to you now. As long as it’s pale, obv. Honourable mention also to Minuty.

10. Shooting your own roast 

The shooting society out having fun.

Farm to fork is an essential part of your lifestyle. Vegans are not invited to family dinner.

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