This student who blacked up as Colin Kaepernick for Halloween said he ‘didn’t know it was racist’ and I am calling bullshit

Image may contain: Reading, Furniture, Couch, Human, Person, People
Image may contain: Brochure, Poster, Flyer

These are by far the worst leaked screenshots from a frat we’ve seen all day

‘It’s not rape if she enjoys it’

I tried the ‘Freshman 15’ of sex toys

Yes, apparently this is a thing

SUNY Geneseo trans students react to sociology professor’s transphobic quiz

‘I am disappointed and shocked that such blatant transphobia occurred in a lecture on our campus which claims to so highly value diversity and inclusivity’

So it turns out the Grand Dragon of the KKK is in my history class

His name is Ken Parker

Christian college football players charged with trying to sodomize a freshman and leaving him naked in a park plead not guilty

A hazing incident has led to charges of aggravated battery, mob action and unlawful restraint

The best Rupi Kaur poems from meme groups across America

I, too, am an intellectual

Which Kardashian is your Big 10 school?

Who said football’s not as bitchy as reality TV?

Martin Shkreli sends a jailhouse letter to The Tab: ‘Avoid this place’

‘I almost slugged someone for cutting me in the computer line’

These roommate sex horror stories will send a shiver down your spine

Whatever happened to leaving a sock on the door?

We just asked white supremacist Richard Spencer how much it hurt to get punched in the face

‘It hurt. It hurts when someone punches you in the face’