Nottingham University wants to track your attendance: What does that mean for you?

Meet the local team

Image may contain: Room, Bowl, Indoors, Drink, Beverage, Alcohol, Beer, Furniture, Shelf, Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person

The SU candidate who wants you to vote for him because he cooked you pancakes

He’s giving out FREE pancakes

Image may contain: Plant, Food, Egg, Beverage, Drink

Here’s a rating of the best places to get pancakes in Notts

The most important day of the year is almost upon us…

Image may contain: Flag, Face, Symbol, Downtown, City, Building, Urban, Town, T-Shirt, Text, Person, Human, Clothing, Apparel

‘Where is our money going?’: Louis Connor is campaigning on transparency to be your next SU president

He also wants to change the image of what the SU means for you

Image may contain: Beverage, Drink, Glass, Linen, Dress, Apparel, Clothing, Home Decor, Chair, Head, Furniture, Face, Purple, Person, Human

This Notts student blacked out in a club and woke up on a plane to Barcelona

Doing uni right

Image may contain: Glasses, Accessory, Accessories, Female, Long Sleeve, Smile, T-Shirt, Face, Sleeve, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

Find out the mystery behind Mystic Meg and her run for SU President

Students wellbeing and welfare is at the forefront of her campaign

Image may contain: Suit, Overcoat, Jacket, Coat, Blazer, Portrait, Photo, Photography, Head, Man, Automobile, Car, Transportation, Vehicle, Plant, Tree, Clothing, Apparel, Face, Person, Human

This crazy cat wants to be Notts SU President and ABOLISH the role of President

He also wants to rename T&L to the ‘Bertie Building’

Image may contain: Finger, Food, Coat, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person

‘We’re seen as unimportant when we get burgled’: Olivia Narayan is running to be Notts SU president

This role truly reflects the students’ voice

Image may contain: Light, Town, Urban, Metropolis, Building, City, Human, Person, Overpass, Boat, Vehicle, Transportation, Freeway, Road

‘Notts Uni Tortures Animals’: Animal Justice Project Protestors take over Ningbo Friendship Bridge

The protest was held as part of the Animal Justice Project

Image may contain: Glasses, Face, Goggles, Accessory, Accessories, Nature, Outdoors, Jacket, Helmet, Coat, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

‘I like to do things a little different to everyone else’: We spoke to Andy Hoe about his competition to win a trip to Vancouver

It sure beats your school trip to Dorset

Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Accessory, Glasses, Accessories, Laptop, Desk, Table, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Keyboard, Computer Keyboard, Monitor, Screen, Display, LCD Screen, Furniture, Pc, Electronics, Computer, Human, Person

The beauty of hosting a late-night radio show

It isn’t what you would expect