
The Liverpool Foxes Cheerleading squads have released a new naked calendar

Are they the new Warwick rowers?

Working class students have got more to worry about than chav socials

If you think they’re offensive, maybe you’re the problem

I went to AU Night and I’ve never played sport

It was a life-changing experience

Meet the UoL Raptors: the nice guys of uni sports

They go for ice cream and beers with their rivals

Will we retain our crown at Varsity tomorrow?

Forget Liverpool v Everton next week: UoL vs LJMU is the most important derby of the year.

Keeping up with Kyle: Nobody needs forced drinking

I drink at my own pace, not at your will

Liverpool hockey girls: Queens of AU

They dressed up as pre and post 2007 Britney once

The uni gym is free over the exam period

They’re even doing massages for a tenner

Inflatables, booze and tight shorts: Sports fiesta is this weekend

It’s all in aid of Alder Hey charity

We’re hosting this year’s Christie Cup, and we’re going to smash it


Meet the AU Captains – telling you everything from rum-fuelled catamaran days to group sex

The AU captains tell us why their team is the best on campus

The pros and cons of joining the AU

You’ll be spoilt for choice

AUra and out: Aura drops out of AU night

Superclub Aura pull out of UoL’s AU night contract, forcing former sponsor Revs to host the messiest night of the month once again

Three cheers for the Brookhouse

Public house connoisseur Benedict Spence focuses his attentions on perhaps the most popular student pub.

Deck Aura With Boughs of Holly

The weather outside was frightful, but the AU Ball was delightful.

AU to Host First Annual Winter Ball

Sport Liverpool and Lambrini have teamed up to bring you this year’s Winter Ball.

SportBite: October

VIDEO: The first instalment of our monthly round up of all things Sport Liverpool.

The Hangover

For those of you who don’t remember what happened at AU last night, here’s our rough guide.

AU Having A Laugh?

Legendary AU night will now be held at Liverpool’s new ‘superclub’ Aura

AU Ball: Wine, Shots & Sporting Rivals

It was a fancy occasion with unfancy students