

VOTE NOW: We didn’t include Land Economy, just to make things a bit more interesting

What’s On – Week Six!

Put down those flashcards and pencil some of these events into your revision timetable.

Mystic Malcolm: your horoscope by subject

MYSTIC MALCOLM brings dubious news of the future. What will your fate be?

The Tab Meets: Prof Michael Sandel

HANNAH GRAHAM talks to Professor Michael Sandel about the importance of discomfort, morality and the pitfalls of markets.

Peter Singer: The World’s Most Dangerous Philosopher

LUKE ILOTT speaks to Peter Singer, the philosopher once labelled “the most dangerous man on earth”.

Paedo Philo Prof

Former Cambridge Prof Peter Smith was charged with downloading images of CHILD PORN on his computer.

Hands Off My Love Pistol!

By banning offensive words, The Pakistani Telecommunications Authority are limiting freedom of expression to an unacceptable extent are encouraging people to create new slang.

Simon Norman

If James Blunt sung love songs in Antarctica and no one witnessed it, can we hope that he died? Yes, says SIMON NORMAN.

Interview: A.C. Grayling

TABATHA LEGGETT talks to maverick philosopher A.C. GRAYLING.

Tom Rasmussen

“I column, therefore I am.” This week, TOM RASMUSSEN gets philosophical about the dating game.

Existentialism? Exterminate!

A Cambridge boffin claims Daleks are one of the most terrifying villains because of they represent a moral philosophy of pure evil.

Save Our Supervisions

A report has recommended that Cambridge cut down on one-on-one supervisions and scrap underachieving MPhils in a bid to improve efficiency.

Tab Interview: Darwin Deez

TABATHA LEGGETT gets spiritual with musician DARWIN DEEZ.

Tab Interview: Brian May

TABATHA LEGGETT talks to guitar legend turned photography pioneer Brian May about why philosophy and physics are the same.

Middlesex Kant Cut Philosophy

LUKE HAWKSBEE on the closing down of philosophy programmes at Middlesex University.