
Tab Tries: The Great Outdoors

Over the holiday, BETH SWORDS became one with nature. Let her enlighten you, the average city-dweller, on how to deal with ‘The Great Outdoors.’

Tab Blind Date: Mollie and Three White Guys

Tab Blind Date is back with a Christmas special! And in the spirit of giving, we’ve allowed five guys on a date instead of one…

Tab Guide to Speed Daters

JOSIE PARKINSON guides your nervous, sweaty hand through the perils of speed dating, and the characters waiting for you out there…

10 Films For Those Questioning Love

It’s a dark Sunday, you are halfway through your MIMS revision, and you doubt that love ever existed. NATALIA MOLINA-HARNO talks you through the films capable of restoring the faith…

Tab Blind Date: Amy and Harry

Tab Blind Date is back! Read up on the love, lust and learning that took place last Wednesday night…

TabTV Presents The Lola Lo Down On Love

The wonderful people at Lola Lo’s tell us what they think of love.

Tab Blind Date: Jess and Pran

Round Two for Tab Blind Date…but did sparks fly or did Pran cry?

A Most Miserable Valentine’s Day

He’s Back. BEN DALTON consoles Cambridge’s singletons this Valentine’s day.


The French do love better than us. LEAF ARBUTHNOT has devised a Gallic spread to help you seduce that special someone.

Le Rag Blind Date

Salut! We present Le RAG Blind Date!

Why We Broke Up…

ANNA SHEINMAN asks Tab readers why their relationships at Cambridge ended. Here’s what they told her…

PidgeSecret: Episode Two

PidgeSecret is back… see what Cambridge has been confessing to this week.

PidgeSecret: Episode One

It’s only been a week but the project has taken off already – here’s our first batch of PidgeSecrets.

PidgeSecret: The Launch

A project by The Tab. Find out what we’re all thinking…

Reasons to be Cheerful in Week 5

The dreaded week has struck, but POPPY MORRIS is at hand to give you reasons to turn that frown upside down.

What Men Want

You’ve heard from the women, but how can you impress your man?

What Women Really Want This Valentine’s

As kitschy cards fly off the shelves, and many a bed is strewn with rose petals, POPPY MORRIS investigates what really gets the gals going on Saint Valentine’s…

Music For Loving

MEGAN KENNEDY provides a sonic option for every type of lover this Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Guide Dog: Week 4

THE THEATRE GUIDE DOG leads you safely through the fornicating minefields of V-Day.

Madame TeaLeaves: Horoscope Week 4

Madame TeaLeaves and her prophetic wisdom are back.