Caesarian Sunday

Image may contain: Hair, Smile, Plant, Grass, Sport, Soccer, Team Sport, Football, People, Soccer Ball, Team, Ball, Sports, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person, Face, Accessory, Glasses, Accessories, Skin, Head

‘C-Sunday Clean Up Party’ to follow this year’s celebrations

Aggressively wholesome content? Look no further.

Image may contain: Tartan, Skirt, Plaid, Kilt, Clothing, Person, People, Human

Best Dressed: C-Sunday

Sun(day), Caesarians and suspicious substances

BREAKING: Air ambulance lands in the middle of Trinity Great Court on Caesarian Sunday

Drinking society madness struck before noon

Image may contain: Parade, Festival, Crowd, Carnival, Performer, Clown, Mascot, Human, Person, People

Drinking Societies are a poor excuse for shit chat

Sorry not sorry

The Tab’s Guide of Do’s and Don’ts for Caesarian Sunday

Sunday is supposed to be Fun-day, don’t make it Chun-day

News Roundup Week 2: Sun, Sex, and Suspicious Papparazos

ARMIN SOLIMANI rounds up a debauched week of warm days and warmer sheep

Perhaps it’s time we stop talking about exams

I need a safe space

Caesarian Sunday-ers of the week

Like Clubbers of the week, but messier. Oh so messier.

BREAKING: Student set on fire at Jesus Green

An Air Ambulance was called to Jesus Green this afternoon

Dear Cambridge: An open letter from Cambridge for Consent

Problems with consent will be with us for a long time. Let’s do what we can to challenge them.

Raging Trinitarians booze it up in Caesarian Sunday madness: take out frustrations on table tennis bat, giant Jenga

In a first for the college, students have been caught not studying

Wyverns in Oxford Rape Row

Magdalene’s infamous drinking society, the Wyverns, are under police investigation for allegedly chanting about rape in Oxford city centre.

GERIATRIC CARNAGE: Cambridge Alumni Wreak Havoc on Caesarian Sunday

In an annual tradition that plagues drinking societies across Cambridge, old boys return and run riot.

Middle England Clutches Pearls as Cantabs Sit in Park

Caesarian Sunday: the usual mishmash of debauchery, picnicking and depravity.

Five films to get you pumped for Caesarian Sunday

TIM O’BRIEN runs through five films that will turn you into a cold-blooded killing machine just in time for Caesarian Sunday.

Caesarian Sunday: Killjoy Uni chiefs boycott fun

Et tu, Daily Mail? Students warned off Sunday plans at Jesus Green.

Johnnie Wyvern: Embrace Caesarian Sunday

JOHNNIE WYVERN explains his Four Step plan to Tripos success.


Serious argy bhaji at Curry King as students and alumni fight in mass brawl.

Organised Fun and Caesarian Sun

ALEX PORTER is baffled by the Cambridge social scene.

I Need LAD Culture Because…

Your favourite gentleman JOHNNIE WYVERN has something to say before this weekend’s Caesarian Sunday.