
Image may contain: Back, Underwear, Clothing, Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Jar, Flora, Person, People, Human

REVEALED: Cambridge’s best bums winner 2017

The people have spoken

Image may contain: Human, Person, People

VOTE NOW: Cambridge’s Best Bums 2017

Who has Cambridge’s most tantalising tush? You decide – cast your vote at the bottom of the article!

Image may contain: Vine, Plant, Statue, Sculpture, Art, Human, Person, People


It’s time to get CHEEKy

Taking your Best Bums photo: The Ultimate Guide

Or, how many arse-related puns can I crack in one article?

Vote Now: Cambridge’s Best Bums 2015

All bums are equal, but some are more equal than others. Help us choose which ones.

Best locations for Best Bums

You should get your butt out on the internet and you should do it in style.

Wiping My Bum With Varsity

Suck it.



Tab Treats: Instagram Omelette

A dish fit for the internet

What is the point of CUSU?


Tab Treats: Mr Mussels

A valentine’s special found clinging to a rock.

The Quiet World of Quizzing

Charlie Dowell: Week Three

Tab Treats: Cheeky Chocolate Cow Drink

An udderly delicious drink to get you feeling hot under the collar on these cold winter nights.

Tab Treats: Keep Calm and Curry On

Another curry pun and an entertaining dish for five.

How to spot a public school student

CHARLIE DOWELL gives us the latest on how to track down a posh twat

Cambridge’s Best Bums 2014: Vote now

This year is about so much more than just the bums. Vote for your favourite below

Whine of the Week: Feminism

CHARLIE DOWELL has had just about enough of this feminism malarky

Things we regret on a night out

ARU newbie, ALISON DEVLIN, tells us the inevitable after a night out.

Whine of the Week: Pavement Crawlers

CHARLIE DOWELL hates people who walk slowly.

Eat your fart out

As the race kicks off to find this year’s ‘best bum’, JOE GOODMAN takes the opportunity to talk about something a bit more serious.