
Two officers injured after man physically attacks pedestrians on UW campus

Suspect could have been under the influence of drugs during the incident

We asked UW-Madison if you get hit by a bus if they will pay for tuition

Because at this point I’m willing to jump

Dropik abandons his efforts to start pro-white group on campus

The decision was confirmed today by the national chairman of the organization

The number of UW-Madison students affected by Trump’s ban has increased

115 students and staff are impacted by the ban, up from UW’s initial estimate of 72

UW-Madison students protest the potential of an alt right group on campus

‘Racist, sexist, anti-gay, AFP go away!’

UW-Madison urges students affected by Trump’s executive order to stay in the country

72 UW-Madison students could be affected by Trump’s executive order

UW-Madison alt-right supporter has committed arson on black churches

Leader of the UW alt-right movement has served time for hate crimes

Every thought you’ll have on inauguration day

How did January 20th sneak up on all of us so quickly?

UW-Madison organization promotes student walk-out to protest Trump’s Inauguration

Madison students continue to express their disapproval for Donald Trump

Local man beaten unconscious on University Avenue

The beating occurred early Friday morning

‘Hands off my machismo’: WI senator fights for masculinity

Do you want to talk about it?

T.J. Watt declares he will be leaving the Badgers in 2017

We will miss you dearly, T.J.

Alec Cook is to be released from jail

UW-Madison student charged with 21 counts of sexual assault to be released on bail.

Drunk driver hits UW-Madison student

UW-Madison student hit by drunk driver at 12:46am

‘Postcard Avalanche’ to stop Bannon rips through social media

Thousands of postcards have been sent to president-elect, Donald Trump, in attempt to show their obvious distaste for Steve Bannon’s appointment

Statistics show the Badgers will win against the Gophers

Breaking down previous game statistics to show how the Badgers will prevail