‘Hands off my machismo’: WI senator fights for masculinity

Do you want to talk about it?

Uhoh. The much beleaguered white guy is at the center of yet another storm. People want to question if white guys have been the angels they think they are, and they are fighting back.

Fighting back tears, Wisconsin senator Steve Nass sent out an email to fellow lawmakers entitled “UW-Madison Declares War on Men and their Masculinity — Not a Joke” earlier this week.  With the magnified look at classes since “The Problem with Whiteness” scandal, Nass focuses on the real issue at hand: men are at risk for losing their necessary masculinity because of this class.

His email, surprisingly not a joke, points the finger at UW-Madison for labeling men as having “toxic masculinity”.  With the power of a white male politician, Nass is worried his voice will be stifled.  He sent this email to all his fellow legislators with the hopes they will get on board.

Nass writes “Our friends at UW-Madison, not happy enough with labeling ‘whiteness’ as a societal problem, now are attacking another social ill …, Men and their masculinity.”

He defends parents of male students, saying this class will criticize the teaching of “values and characteristics necessary in becoming a Man”.  When becoming a capital “m” Man, one must go through extensive and necessary training on values and characteristics.  And, as we all know, the first rule of masculinity is don’t talk about it.  It is not easy being a white male in today’s society, and Nass makes that issue clear.

Ever the messiah for masculinity, Nass threatened to cut the university’s budget if “The Problem with Whiteness” class was kept.  Though ultimately unsuccessful, his efforts will not go unnoticed in the fight to save masculinity from extinction. Strive on brother.

University of Wisconsin