‘I’m a black conservative, and I appreciate people like Milo’

We asked UD students their reactions to Milo’s visit

Give me 10 more minutes: A confession, apology, and explanation from the chronically late

Stoplights are never in my favor

All of the reasons to abandon studying in Club Morris

Before the Newark winter sets in

Why aren’t college parties more like kids’ parties?

Petition to bring back themes

American Horror Story: UD Tinder edition

Viewer discretion is advised

Last minute Halloween costumes for lazy college girls

We’ve got you covered

With pussygate, Trump voters have finally found their breaking point

It took Republicans fearing for their wives and daughters for them to turn on Trump

Learning to appreciate the little things is the best change I ever made

‘Your butt looks really toned in those pants’

UD students are beginning the fight for concealed carry on campus

‘If you don’t have your second amendment right, you don’t have your first’

Take The Tab’s nationwide election poll here

Who’s got your vote

Maybe we’re not smiling because we’re tired, maybe it’s none of your damn business

The only thing we’re laughing at is your stupid questions

‘Killer clown’ has come to the University of Delaware

‘On our way to Wilmington’

Meet the young girls proving that the future of feminism is going strong

‘I don’t want to marry someone if I don’t have a job first’

Meet the UD senior saving you a tremendous amount of money

Helping students across the US

67 percent of women in the US are a size 14 or higher

It’s time we acknowledge the plus-size majority

The many miserable phases of an all-nighter: explained

‘Oh crap, what have I done?’