All of the reasons to abandon studying in Club Morris

Before the Newark winter sets in

Studying outside is not only fun, but it’s very beneficial to your health. And here’s how.

You’ll get that Vitamin D

It’s hard to get Vitamin D, which is acquired through sunlight, when we spend most of our day inside. In the summer 15 minutes is long enough for some skin types, and 30 minutes is long enough for some skin types in the winter. Vitamin D fights diseases like the cold and boosts the immune system.

It will lead to better grades

Bachelor’s degree online said, “ A 2006 academic paper pointed to a 2000 study of schoolchildren in California as evidence that outdoor education improves kids’ grades.”

You need fresh air after sitting in class all day

Fresh air cleans the lungs, purifies blood, and brings more oxygen to cells. The more oxygen your body takes in the more energy your body can produce. Most importantly, fresh air brings clarity to your brain, which is essential for students.

It will decrease your stress levels

“When serotonin is released in the brain, it produces feelings of safety and well-being, earning it the nickname ‘the happy hormone’,” wrote Bachelor’s degree online.

And increase your concentration

USA Today reported, “Researchers have found that children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who play outside in nature tend to exhibit fewer symptoms of ADHD than do children with ADHD who play inside.”

It can also help to increase your memory

Bachelor’s degree online concluded, “A proven way to improve recall is to experience something new and unfamiliar, which releases dopamine into the hippocampus where memories are created.”

If the weather permits and the birds are out chirping, you should give outdoor studies a chance.

University of Delaware