Charitable Nottingham students donate clothes to the homeless who face sub-zero temperatures

Image may contain: Bench, Urban, Town Square, Town, Plaza, Downtown, City, Building, Architecture, Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Jar, Flora

Meet the local team

Image may contain: Sitting, Person, People, Human

Two students made a website which calculates how much you deserve in compensation for the strikes

It sends a custom email to your SU officer’s email

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

These Nottingham third years built an igloo with a beer fridge in their garden

It took them seven hours and six people

Nottingham Uni raked in a whopping £66k from overdue library books last year

Books overdue? Looks like you’re going to be overdrawn

Image may contain: dj, boy, Pc, Laptop, Electronics, Computer, Person, People, Human

A definitive list of the reasons why everyone should admit pres are better than clubbing

When you finish the night looking like a Salem witch survivor it’s only your nearest and dearest who see

Image may contain: Portrait, Face, Person, People, Human

Nottingham’s Most Eligible Bachelorette 2018 Final

Everyone’s a winner

Image may contain: Officer, Military Uniform, Military, Person, People, Human

Five-star hotels and pornstar martinis: The maddest things Vice-Chancellors claimed on expenses

VCs and their colleagues claimed almost £8m in the last two years

Image may contain: Bowl

Nando’s is adding halloumi fries to the menu (finally)

Nando’s just made 2018 better

Image may contain: Woman, Girl, Blonde, Portrait, Face, Female, Person, People, Human

Nottingham’s Most Eligible Bachelorette 2018: Round Three

Ice ice baby

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Person, People, Human

The transparent new Instagram trend that is outing all the posers, one post at a time: The funstagram

If you’re still fresh enough for a photo, you weren’t really enjoying yourself

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

I tried a different alcohol for everyday of the week: This is what happened

Testing out my liver and student loan