Bertie up for adoption as he rejects his French persona as Arthur

Image may contain: Couch, Pillow, Cushion, Bed, Furniture, Cat, Mammal, Animal, Pet, Blanket

Meet the local team

Image may contain: Face, Sweater, Girl, Teen, Blonde, Kid, Woman, Female, Child, Person, Human, Clothing, Apparel

Drinking candles to being set on fire; Here are the most ridiculous customers student bar workers have encountered

There’s a lot of vomit involved

Image may contain: Police, Pedestrian, Neighborhood, Coat, Housing, People, Road, City, Street, Building, Town, Urban, Apparel, Clothing, Person, Human

Corbyn was nearly stranded on Derby Road yesterday as his 21 bus was 40 minutes late

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimised by bus delays

Image may contain: Photo, Portrait, Photography, Crowd, Female, People, Pants, Coat, Jacket, Face, Human, Person, Apparel, Clothing

Breaking: Jeremy Corbyn is chilling on Derby Road

‘A bus driver pulled to a halt to scream Jeremy’

Image may contain: Girl, Female, Apparel, Clothing, People, Necktie, Smile, Face, Accessories, Accessory, Tie, Human, Person

Breaking: Nottingham University to stop making unconditional offers to undergrad applicants

The move is set to begin in September for the 2019/2020 academic year

Image may contain: Chair, Furniture, Jeans, Denim, Skirt, Shorts, Dress, People, Girl, Pants, Costume, Woman, Female, Party, Face, Smile, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

Revealed: The Notts courses dishing out the most firsts

Nobody got a first in Aerospace Engineering

Image may contain: Glasses, Room, Face, Crowd, Indoors, Executive, Suit, Overcoat, Apparel, Clothing, Coat, Human, Person, Accessories, Accessory, Tie

Tab investigation finds that, shock, Vice Chancellors are still minted

This year, the highest earning VC pocketed £461k

Image may contain: Man, T-Shirt, Electronics, Photo, Photography, Portrait, Face, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

Have your chance to write for The Notts Tab!

No experience needed, training provided!

‘I managed to ask if there were avocados in the Midlands’: Here are the most ridiculous things Surrey girls have been overheard to say at uni

Stop telling everyone you’re from London

An open letter to freshers in the library this exam season

First year isn’t that deep

Image may contain: Sleeping, Asleep, Indoors, Room, Bedroom, Pet, Mammal, Cat, Animal, Bed, Furniture, Cushion, Pillow, Blanket

THE MYSTERY HAS BEEN SOLVED: Bertie has been fostered by a local couple

They plan to take him back to FRANCE