Lego Men street art are back, this time as a couple

Just in time for Valentine’s Day

Everyone loves Lego, be it from the hours spent building that kick-ass Millenium Falcon or the nostalgia from running around as Lego Batman on your Playstation.

We’ve all grown up with Lego, and we all have great memories of it (unless you’ve trodden on it barefoot, then it’s the subject of deepest loathing).

So of course, Charnwood Borough Council’s decision to remove everyone’s favourite street art wasn’t exactly met with cheer. Last November, local businessman Raffaele Russo was ordered to remove his commissioned work, as it was claimed to be graffiti advertising.

But thankfully, months of applications have bought a U-turn from the council, and our trusty yellow friends can now return – with a Valentine’s Day twist.

Dan Smith, aka Buber Nebz, is the artist who bought us the giant jolly Lego men, and this time they’ll have a female companion on Carillon Court Car Park.

He told the Echo: “It is pretty good to see it back. It brings more character to the town and kids really appreciate it. I think it’s because they are simple and effective – that’s what people like about them.”

Buber Nebz will be spending today working on his new piece near Carillon Court Car Park. Loughborough’s new Lego power couple come just in time for Valentine’s Day, and hopefully this will just be the start.