Walks of shame to Tinder: Your worst romantic experiences

Do you miss your dignity

Living in a little town like Loughborough has its pros and cons.

Pretty much everywhere is in walking distance, you regularly see people you know, the cost of living is fairly cheap and so on.

But living in the bubble gives rise to a fair few opportunities for cringe inducing, wish-the-ground-would-swallow-me-up moments.

Living in such close proximity to everyone, often the walk to a lecture or around town can end up leaving you red faced.

Grace, a second year psychology student, said: “I got with the most horrendous boy ever once and since then I constantly see him everywhere I go.

“I’ll be in the supermarket and see him.

“I’m constantly reminded of my bad judgement with my beer goggles.”

Arguably even worse still, is walking in to your lecture, head pounding and bleary eyed only to be faced with the girl who became your best friend in the toilets the night before.

The compliments on each other’s hair/outfit/make up, the selfies and the promises that you would “omg 100 per cent go out together in future”, are all forgotten and replaced with sheer embarrassment.

Walking past people you know you told your whole life story to in the smoking area and having to pretend you don’t know them is a nightmare faced by pretty much everyone.

Avoiding eye contact at ten minutes to the hour is a common phenomenon in Luff.

Incriminating photos after nights out are always one way to find out how exactly you embarrassed yourself. Often locals come in to play here.

Living in a town mostly populated by students means you can sometimes forget that adults live here too, until you remember the man lacking some teeth who tried chatting you up or receive a text from a man you gave your number to in exchange for some McDonald’s.

Tinder will leave you with the most regrets. Does any more really need to be said?

It’s all fun and games whilst you’re sitting in bed with your friends, watching TV and swiping left or right but that all comes to an end when you find yourself sitting in the library trying to avoid awkward eye contact with your latest match.

An anonymous business studies second year found out the perils of tinder on campus one Saturday night.

He said: “I was in Echos going to buy a drink when someone I didn’t recognise grabbed me and asked if I was who she thought.

“Puzzled I said yes. She replied ‘We matched on tinder!’. I walked straight out in to the smoking area and deleted the app.”

Did you know that there are restaurants in Loughborough other than The Basin?

Seemingly, a lot of people don’t and any attempt to have a nice romantic night over some sushi and noodles can often be swiftly ruined by a huge table of people you know sitting directly next to you.

Amelia, a fresher girl, cringed when her boyfriend came up to visit her for the weekend and took her to a nice meal out at The Basin.

“We were sitting there for about 10 minutes when suddenly there was this huge chant of ‘down it fresher!’

“I was absolutely mortified to realise that the group of boys chanting at each other were in fact my course friends.”

No stranger to bumping in to people you know at the very worst times is a second year Philosophy student with one particularly traumatic walk of shame.

“I was walking back to mine at about 10am wearing my skirt from the night before, a borrowed hoody and had my make-up halfway down my face. I bumped in to pretty much everyone on my course as they were on their way to a lecture.

“I had absolutely no excuses, just had to laugh it off.”