The worst types of neighbours

Don’t be one of these twats

| UPDATED nationals

The exceptionally loud one

Whether it’s 4:00am on a Sunday morning or the night before that 9am lecture you are telling yourself you will make for once – every night is a party with these ones.

These neighbours will be the ones you regularly curse under your breath when you find yourself constantly asking someone to repeat what they said for years to come.

If you don’t find yourself asking at least once for these people to keep it down a bit, chances are you are this type.

On the beer, music banging.

The moaners

Easily spotted by their simple attire, bald spot or greying hair and the obligatory Ford Focus or VW Golf.

Yes these are the middle-aged family or couple who have lived on your street for years and have taken it upon themselves to be the fun police in your neighbourhood.

Cue references to the neighbourhood watch (where they are the only members), how the neighbourhood (that happens to be highly populated with students) is very quiet and they wish it to stay that way. And of course the regular knocks on your door as soon as they hear something that goes above the sound of Countryfile.

They always spoil the fun!

The one who shoves their rubbish in your bins

Waking up to see your bin still full of last weeks microwavable lasagnas is a nightmare, but when it is finally emptied only to be quickly refilled by others’ junk, your scale of anger probably comes a close second to the hundreds of times you have turned your towels pink in the washing machine.

As students, we struggle to get rid of our own rubbish from our houses. Sainsbury’s basic bin bags inevitably rip just before we get them in the bin, so we are likely to be annoyed when met with a few extra treats from next door.

A familiar sight, bin bag after bin bag.

The one who blocks your car in

You rarely use your car but when you do, there’s a real reason to. Maybe you’re racing to get to a lecture or heading home for the weekend.

No chance if that mysterious guy who parks his car miles from where he lives has anything to say about it.

Warning: this sort will block your car in all year; if you can’t find out what house they live in. Find them early or you might as well sort out your student rail card and bus pass.

Some students have garages with cars in!

The thief

Pretty self-explanatory. You noticed their piercing gazes towards you the day you moved in.

That bike you left outside your front door as you ran back into your house to grab that notebook you forgot as you headed to your 9 am? Yes, that’s gone.

Those beers you left to cool outside for the night (you’ve stocked the fridge up already), yeah? You know it’s them but have no chance in proving it.

Those treats you saved are always the first things to go.

Of course there’s a few nutters around. The one who wears robes and chucks homophobic leaflets in your post box.

Everyone has heard about this now, right?