Police begin chase for robed man

“We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ”

| UPDATED anti-social behavior Loughborough man charged

Following reports of a robed man delivering hateful leaflets to Loughborough residents, the police have issued a statement confirming that they are investigating the individual responsible.

“The Works of Darkness” has found its way into the houses on roads such as Paget street and Storer road.

Leicestershire Police have delivered a statement in response to the robed man’s activities: “We are aware that since August there has been a number of incidents where leaflets have been distributed across Leicester and Leicestershire, with the latest incidents in Loughborough.”

The spokeswoman for the police division continued to add that they are continuing their investigations and are “seeking legal advice from the Crown Prosecution Service.”

Residents who have spotted this man, or have received any leaflets through the door are encouraged to report it to the police.