Lboro’s most controversial Exec candidate – Aceman. Where is he now?

The Original Aceman


Who could forget Tommy Allen – the man who proposed a Pokemon bar and free entry to Stuesday if you had pants on your head. We wanted to know what he was up to now that he’s left Loughborough.

Now that he’s graduated, Aceman has been job hunting for a couple of weeks, but says he is currently “chilling at my Mama Julie’s” with his home comforts including “a TV, expensive cheeses and cooked meats.”

He says he has also become the house mistress, cooking and cleaning, and “living life to the fullest on the dole.”

He says he’s got lots of options to choose from, including getting a proper job, but at the moment is leaning more towards getting a job in a bar and living in the city.

Day in the life of “ACEMAN (well just Tommy now he’s back home)” – wake up, cartoons, eat, guitar, gym, eat, guitar, cook for family, sleep… occasionally fitting in job applications.

Lufbra misses you Tommy

This summer Aceman worked in a hotel, on the Greek island of Kos.

He described his job as “drinking games extraordinaire, professional entertainer and story teller… so, I ensured the guests had a sick time, and got them smashed.”

Aceman’s advice to any uni students thinking about doing it is… “Don’t. It’s shit.”

“Not even kidding, ALL the workers out there or people whom I lived with were horrendously stupid. Without even being a big head, I was easily the smartest man in Kos, they were like 1 GCSE candidates. I imagined the banter and craziness to be like university x3, it was more on the level of high school Year 9.

“The highlight of the whole trip was getting my only friend on the island to push me in a wheely bin whilst I was topless, high on Red Bull and holding a stolen loofah brush, shouting “FOR FRODO!” down the main strip.

“Genuinely one of the dullest 8 weeks of my life, and I didn’t have a sober night.”

Who is Gary?

The things Aceman misses most about uni start with his friends and the socials.

He misses his fans, and “the shit I would get off my friends for saying ‘I miss my fans’.”

“I miss influencing freshers to do my bidding. I miss annoying bouncers and bar staff, and waking up with X’s.”

And what does he miss the least? The uphill climb to the library, and the “loud assholes” who socialise in Hazelgrave.

“I don’t miss disciplinary actions and ridiculous fines. Regulation 19. Looking for a bench in Powerbase.”

“Trying to pull when everyone is taller than me, more hench and has perfect teeth. Posh Rigg-Rut girls. Oh, the cliques. Committees, and emails.”

Tommy has had a range of hair-cuts over the years

As for the new breathalyser tests which are going to be used in Lufbra, Aceman wasn’t shy about what he thought.

Tommy’s view was that it was more of a money making scheme rather than reducing alcohol fuelled crime and disorder.

“A lot of students like myself, especially as a fresher, enjoy getting blind drunk.”

Tommy’s view is that all the breathalyser tests do is limit what you drink before you go in, so you have to buy more whilst you’re inside “or sneak some pres in…”

Are they going to monitor what alcohol level is in everyone’s blood once they’re inside, breathalyser testing someone with every drink purchase? I don’t think so.”

“Another thing – I’m pretty harmless when I’m power mega zombie drunk, all I do is circle Room One trying and failing to chat up girls.”

“However, when I’m just a bit drunk but high on caffeine and sugar, I have been known to become a little more of a nuisance… I’m much better behaved when I’m dribblin than when I’m tipsy.”

Viva La Aceman

Tommy goes on to say that everyone reacts to alcohol differently, and people handle drink better than others.

“Some get slutty, some aggressive, some just really strange. If they don’t cause any harm to anyone it should be fine to get power wasted.”

And will it work the other way round, suggests Tommy, “If you don’t get in because of a breathalyser score, surely you can go to Papa Si’s for some cheesy chips, sober up a bit and re-do the breathalyser and pass to be allowed in…”

“What I would propose to future students, get as close to the mark as possible, and take out tactical bread to eat before you go in.”

Finally, what are Aceman’s plans for the future? He is set to probably get a bar job until he finds something more permanent, and then start performing.

Thank you to Tommy for taking the time to speak to The Epinal.