
Liverpool is the best city in the UK, and it’s the people who make it

‘We’re not English, we’re Scouse.’

Things you’ll only understand if you’re from Birmingham

There’s so much more to Birmingham than the Bull Ring

Students can’t work rollers and they need to stop pretending they can

You’re from the South, so put ’em down

How to prepare for a big Scouse night out: A guide for men

We all know you need the help

Why is everyone so obsessed with the Scouse brow?

Fleek on Fleet Street

Randomer gives the cutest Staffy to second year for free

‘He’s kind of like my best friend’

I went to a fortune teller and it was an absolute rip-off

She had hair like Gareth Gates

Smithdown’s reign has come to an end: Long live Kenny

Kenny rules

Liverpool John Moores University to introduce ‘Scouse Studies’ degree

LJMU have plans to start a ‘Scouse Studies’ which will teach students all about the vast history of Liverpool.

How Scouse are you?

Can you separate the born ‘n’ bred Scousers from the skanky wools? Take our quiz – a true test of who’s boss and who’s not.

Scouse Slang: an eeeee-asy alphabet

If you’d like to learn an edgier language than Spanish, try your hand at a bit of Scouse. You might even pass for a Liverpudlian local

Why everyone should date a Scouser

Those brows

Vote now: the worst accents around campus

Did you come to Liverpool loving the Scouse Squeal and now squirm every time you hear “soz aba ya”? Vote for your least favourite accent around campus!

Sorry, Scousers

New survey shows that Scouse is considered the least friendly accent in the UK

Liverpool Via Harlem: The best (And Worst)

Perhaps it’s just our Empire State of Mind?

Miss Francesca Couture Fantasy Boutique

Sequins, sparkle and Scouse-style at its utmost glam: welcome to Miss Francesca Couture’s Fantasy Boutique launch party!