

ADRIAN PASCU-TULBURE is truly awed by those who can run the Marathon, though he’d rather be in the pub.

Pubs of Cambridge #5: The Eagle

The Tab braves the Eagle and is not very positive about said establishment.

TABTV: Spoons Stories (Aggro Count)

TabTV braves a lairy Saturday night outside Weatherspoons.

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates: Week Six

You can’t think for yourself by Week Six. Let us tell you what to rate and slate.

Writer Challenge: Your Life In Their Hands

Our intrepid reporter lets someone else make all her decisions for a week. See how she copes.

Parvizi Swaps: Pembroke vs. Newnham

Our resident food critic avoids being labelled a paedo during a relatively civillised evening of intergenerational swapping.

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates: Week Four

Another week, another few oddballs to add to the collection. We rate them. ‘Dad of the Year’ John Terry? We slate him.

Make A Meal Of It

The Tab starts its quest to find you Cambridge’s best deals for dining out without breaking the budget. This week: Bella Italia.

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates: Week Two

You know the drill.

R.I.P. Catz Rugby

R.I.P. Catz Men’s Rugby – a debauched Christmas social has seen them officially disbanded till Michaelmas 2010.

Review: Sun, Sex and Holiday Madness

ROB SMITH enjoys this flimsy excuse to look at Sun, Syphilis and Al Fresco Cunnilingus.

Status Update: Nobody Cares

Facebook just seems to give the worst people a platform to be even worse.

Spew Year’s Heave

After a term of student excess, Cambridge locals reclaimed the city centre on New Year’s Eve, with a shocking display of drinking.

Sober Cindies Anyone?

Only 12 per cent of British teens don’t drink. LOTTIE UNWIN tries to join their number.

It’s Funny Because It’s Facebook

Way more interesting than your average ‘I-lost-my-phone-in-Revs’ groups. Join at your own risk.

New Year, Same You

Face it, you’re rubbish: tried, tested and catastrophically failed attempts at self-improvement.

How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days

What to do to send them running for that restraining order.

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates

As we enter Week 8, here’s our final round up of what we rate this week and what we slate.

You Know It’s The End Of Term When…

Your clothes stink, you’re stealing pennies out of the tips in Nero’s and lectures are a hazy memory.

College Bar Crawl: Sidney Sussex

The Tab finds Sidney bar cheap as chips if a little pokey.