
Louise Ripley-Duggan

With RAG Blind Date coming up, LOUISE RIPLEY-DUGGAN assesses her less-than-successful dating history.

Tab Cribs: Peterhouse

Does John’s really have the monopoly on exquisite sets? This week its Peterhouse who is making a bid for the Cribs crown…

Alternative Swap Locations

“Formals are fun, there ain’t no place quite like Mahal, and I love the Bun Shop, but we’ve seen it all before.” MAUD DROMGOOLE suggests some new swapping locations.

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates: Week Four

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates apologises for its lateness this week, but it’s been in a dire essay crisis and the maintenance man’s pigeon carcass didn’t help matters.

Throw Your Own Week 5 Party

“You’re bored of bopping and swapping.” TALIA RICHARD-CARVAJAL brings you party suggestions, complete with playlists, The Only Way Is Essex, cocktails and costumes.

Tab Tries: Chat-Up Lines, Again

After the dubious success of Tab Chat-Up Lines, Mark I, five brave men tested a few more unconventional gems. Expressions of loathing, slaps and offers of prayers for their damaged souls ensued.

Catz Bar Closed Indefinitely After Vandalism

“Climate of anger and mistrust prevails” as Catz Dean closes their bar “indefinitely” and cancels Halloween bop.

Tab Confessional: To Drink, or not to Drink?

Are Drinking Societies worth all the hype? Three anonymous Cantabs spill the beans in our Confessional…

Tom Davenport

“Every single one of the photographs was deemed unsuitable for publication”.

Make Your Own Mahal

Sick of spending £12 on swap currys that you won’t remember? Let NICOLA BARTLETT teach you how to make your own.

How To Get Into A Drinking Society

Not cool enough to be initiated but desperate to join the drinking society elite? Let GEORGE JOHNSTON and GEORGE LAMB help you out.

Declan Clancy

“Photographic evidence of a seventy-eight year-old lady and me standing on a table singing a lovely rendition of New York, New York.”

10 Tips For Scoring A Fresher

Tired of the same old swap meat? DAVID DRAKE has some tips on how to score with the new intake.

Freshers’ Info: Grab A Pint

ANNA SHEINMAN offers five of the best watering holes for when the college bar gets too depressing/full of people you don’t want to feign interest in any longer.

Freshers’ Week Cocktails

Cocktail maestros TOM MICHAELIS AND MICHAEL PEACOCK return with a Freshers’ Week cocktail menu. Consume with caution.

Freshers 2010: The Cambridge A-Z, Part Two

Soon-to-be Fresher? Let The Tab teach you how to speak Cambridge. Sunday: I – P.

Freshers 2010: The Cambridge A-Z, Part One

Soon-to-be-Fresher? Let The Tab teach you how to speak Cambridge. Saturday: letters A-H.

Summer Blogs: Gap Yah, Anyone?

22/8: New update from new Opinion Editor OLLIE KAY and MICHAEL O’HALLORAN on their five-week South East Asian extravaganza – more to come, so watch this space.

Fit College: Queens’ v Robinson

Queens’ is way prettier than red-brick Robinson, but are its undergrads fitter? YOU DECIDE.

Tab Interview: Mr Hudson

‘Jay Z gave me a hug’. Mr Hudson talks to The Tab: read the interview here and enter our competition for tickets to his gig at The Junction.