Week 4 Cartoon: Michelangelo Madness

Meet the local team

Tab Treats: Mr Mussels

A valentine’s special found clinging to a rock.

Preview: Islam Week

Come and find out

I’m from ARU and you Cambridge students are shit at dating

FRANCESCA WOOD tells us what we all already knew, deep down

Cambridge is no backwater for queer people


The Bicentenary Debate: Just like the good old days

Simply… ‘charming’

Cambridge’s best bench DISAPPEARS

FRANCESCA WOOD is the bearer of terrible news

The Invention of Love: just one long self-congratulatory Oxbridge display

ISOBEL COCKERELL is less than impressed by this production, but hey- there’s free wine at the interval!

The 25 Most Anticipated Album Releases of 2015 (Part 2: N-Z)

In his second instalment, LYALL CUKIER looks ahead to the biggest releases of 2015.

The Bicentenary Debate is self-indulgent, elitist and stupid

It’s still an old boys’ club – and you’re not invited

Confessions of an MML-er

So alphabet. Many letters, much language