These are the Oxbridge colleges stuffed with the most private school students in 2024

Just avoid anything with the word ‘Trinity’ in

Frustratingly, in 2024 you are still more likely to get into Oxbridge if you went to a private school. A concerning 32.4 per cent of UK Oxford students and 20.4 per cent of UK Cambridge students were spawned by private schools.

This is pretty atrocious when you consider that only 5.9 per cent of kids in the UK go to private schools. If you are allergic to signet rings and burgundy trousers and want to avoid the Hugos and Henriettas of the world, then you’ll have to pick your college carefully.

The data for Oxford colleges came from this report, and refers to UK students admitted from 2021-23. The Cambridge stats are from this chart about people who got offers in 2023. Hughes Hall, St Edmund’s College and Wolfson College at the University of Cambridge only took a handful of UK students this year, which is why their percentages seem out of proportion with the other colleges.

So, here is the percentage of UK students that went to private school at all the Oxbridge colleges in 2024:

58. Wolfson College, Cambridge – 0.0 per cent

57. Mansfield College, Oxford – 6.3 per cent

56. Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge – 7.0 per cent

55. King’s College, Cambridge – 13.3 per cent

King's College Cambridge most private school unis

King’s is one of the most Cambridge colleges, but also one of the most inclusive

54. Worcester College, Oxford – 14.3 per cent

53. Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge – 16.4 per cent

52. Selwyn College, Cambridge – 18.9 per cent

51. Braenose College, Oxford – 19.0 per cent

50. St Catharine’s College, Cambridge – 20.9 per cent

49. Hertford College, Oxford – 22.4 per cent

48. Homerton College, Cambridge – 22.8 per cent

47. Downing College, Cambridge – 23.5 per cent

46. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge – 23.8 per cent

45. Trinity Hall, Cambridge – 24.1 per cent

44. Churchill College, Cambridge – 24.2 per cent

43. Jesus College, Cambridge – 24.4 per cent

42. St Edmund’s College, Cambridge – 25.0 per cent

41. St John’s College, Oxford – 26.1 per cent

40. Girton College, Cambridge – 26.5 per cent

39. Somerville College, Oxford – 26.6 per cent

38. Newnham College Cambridge – 27.5 per cent

37. St Anne’s College, Oxford – 28.0 per cent

36. Murray Edwards College, Cambridge – 28.2 per cent

=34. Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford – 28.6 per cent

=34. Wadham College, Oxford – 28.6 per cent

=32. Pembroke College, Cambridge – 28.8 per cent

=32. Queens’ College, Cambridge – 28.8 per cent

31. Clare College, Cambridge – 28.9 per cent

30. University College, Oxford – 30.0 per cent

29. Balliol College, Oxford – 30.4 per cent

28. Christ’s College, Cambridge – 30.6 per cent

=26. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge – 31.0 per cent

sidney sussex college cambridge mainsburys most private school oxbridge colleges 2024

Sidney Sussex’s only personality trait is that it’s opposite Sainsbury’s

=26. St Catherine’s College, Oxford – 31.0 per cent

25. St John’s College, Cambridge – 31.7 per cent

24. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge – 33.1 per cent

23. Merton College, Oxford – 34.0 per cent

22. Keble College, Oxford – 34.1 per cent

21. Jesus College, Oxford – 34.2 per cent

20. Peterhouse, Cambridge – 34.5 per cent

19. St Edmund’s Hall, Oxford – 35.5 per cent

=17. Christ Church, Oxford – 35.3 per cent

=17. Magdalen College, Oxford – 35.3 per cent

16. St Hilda’s College, Oxford – 36.0 per cent

15. Exeter College, Oxford – 36.1 per cent

14. The Queen’s College, Oxford – 36.8 per cent

13. Magdalene College, Cambridge – 37.2 per cent

=11. Corpus Christi College, Oxford – 37.7 per cent

=11. Oriel College, Oxford – 37.7 per cent

oxbridge colleges most private school robinson college university of cambridge

Robinson is known for its bricks and its bouginess
(Credit: Stith420 via Creative Commons)

10. Robinson College, Cambridge – 38.0 per cent

9. Emmanuel College, Cambridge – 39.0 per cent

8. St Peter’s College, Oxford – 39.1 per cent

7. St Hugh’s College, Oxford – 41.1 per cent

6. Lincoln College, Oxford – 41.6 per cent

5. New College, Oxford – 41.7 per cent

4. Trinity College, Oxford – 41.8 per cent

3. Pembroke College, Oxford – 43.4 per cent

2. Trinity College, Cambridge – 47.3 per cent

1. Hughes Hall, Cambridge – 70.0 per cent

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