Girls tell us why watching men cry is literally the hottest thing ever

My ovaries hurt

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There is something really fit about a man crying, I don’t know if it’s biology or how their eyes go all sparkly, but I am into it. Sorry but, when men shed tears, their cheeks are not the only thing getting wet.

I noticed this last night when James Middleton cried on Survival of the Fittest after the boys chose to kick Georgia out. The two of them had been flirting with each other and she left without hugging him. After the trauma, he leant forward in a tight white t-shirt, his eyes glistening with water and declared: “I just didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye…It’s just not easy because I thought it was the start of getting to know someone”.

This should be your Tinder profile James

So why is it so sexy when men cry? I reckon it’s science, you realise that if you opened straight men up with a scalpel you would find that they are all warm and squishy inside and not just filled with banter about shit haircuts, Playstation remotes and Match of the Day.

Also, when men tear up, it makes me feel so much better about myself. I realise I am not a melt for crying because my two best friends tagged each other in a meme without me. Men get upset about having no friends and being bloated too.

I am not the only girl into crying, “it shows men are just like us, they are emotional and need to be looked after and not all strong and tough. You can’t get close to guys who can’t show their emotions” says Victoria Cavendish, 23, Leeds.

“The last time I welled up was at a TV programme about a guy who’s wife was murdered” Tom Marten, 24, Leeds

“Without sounding like some lame online campaign started by Dove cosmetics or whatever, real men do cry because they are not as worried about what people think of them.” Meghan Parrie, 21, Hull.

“Last time I cried was at the Dogs Trust advert” Ali Omar, 22, Birmingham.

“I love it when men are in touch with their emotions. When they cry it makes my ovaries ache, like I can tell they’d be a great Dad” Aaron Bateson, 23, Leeds.

My ideal sexual scenario is watching some guy crying about the societal injustice of dog kennels putting unwanted puppies down before ripping my clothes off. Get what I mean? Here is a compilation of fit men crying:

When bae cries out all that toxic masculinity

The tears really make your eyes pop Neymar x

The combo of the tough haircut vs. the raw emotion is?

Look at me Harry, we can get through this

Justin’s soul is made out of rainbows and sparkles

Crying Jamie is so much better than normal Jamie