Matthew Quinn

Matthew Quinn


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


Independence day for the Wessex Scene?

The VP Comms should only prevent publication of articles that are illegal

Focus Sports – Uni to go BANKRUPT

Rebecca Black to Perform at Twisted – OMFG

Southampton Vixens – National Champions!!!

This year the Vixens’ training has really paid off earning them five first place trophies and two second place trophies in just three competitions

Varsity 2011 – BE THERE

Will we go three years in a row unbeaten?

26 Million Views – Still the WORST song EVER?

“Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal”

LVD – Love Valentine’s Day

Being single does not mean that you cannot celebrate Valentine’s Day…right?

“Trolling”: Is it too much?

To be trolled is infuriating, it’s self destructive, it leaves you wanting to punch a hole straight through the screen you’re staring at, and then you go and take it out on everyone around you.

How can you defend Ed Woollard!!

“I feel like my eyes and brain have just been raped, brutally sodimized by your ridiculous article”

What people did on the 17th!

‘Project For Awesome Day’

Bevois Valley set for SILENT DISCO SHOWDOWN

Next week we will see two of Portswood’s biggest nightclubs clubs go head to head with competing silent discos.

Worst Christmas Song Ever?

As it is now December, the playing of Christmas music can be justified.

Forget the Referendum, Obama called David Cameron a ‘lightweight’!

Here are my favourite absolutely crazy things to have come from Wikileaks.

Undercover at Charity Speed Dating

Southampton 11 – Solent 0: Redhawks' season STAGnates

Day-X: Ignorance is Bliss

As well as a second demonstration in London against tuition fees and “savage cuts”, we at Southampton have the pleasure of a demonstration on our own campus.

"I believe it is time… to pay for our own degrees"

And no, this is not because I want to look like a fascist student bully.