The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
It’s a protest against malicious campus surveillance
Where will we anonymously complain about life now?
Bag yourself some exclusive hefty discounts
The club confirmed the booking several days ago
You had your say and here’s the result
He blames Sussex’s lack of security for Brighton’s loss this year
They were creepily persuasive
Only 17.1 per cent of students cast their vote
Democrasaur is out on the prowl
The National Student Survey is linked to yet more tuition fee rises
The Students’ Union has condemned the culprits
The government may require it as part of counter-terrorism legislation
It identified areas of both good and poor practice
It’ll get you home safely when you’ve run out of money
More than two-thirds of freshers are at risk of the diseases
“It’s what I’ve always wanted” – said no-one ever
“Middle class Manor”
From fare dodging to illegal streaming – we’re a naughty bunch
I can say what we will get up to though
More than one in three worry about victimisation
We beat the Americans though, obviously
He’s really looking forward to meeting us all
‘You get a lot of odd characters in Brighton, I don’t think anyone would even notice.’
Did you know Buddies work alongside the Student Union to provide 24 hour shelter for students?
But this time it’s not a fire
2018’s freshers will live there
Can you tell your Tamova from your Taurus?
They weren’t offered halls or even a shared house
Changes include repealing major misconduct charges for protesting and revising sexual misconduct procedures
They made our water quality better
Heaps of reasons to rip down to ‘Straya