Ella Gourlay

Ella Gourlay
Glasgow University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


Image may contain: Snow, Outdoors

All the best GU snow day pics

Captioning ur insta pic with ‘snow day’ is 100% necessary

These are the best dressed people from GUCFS

The competition was fierce

Glasgow University will be closed today due to bad weather conditions


The Union Kitchen will be doing post night out food on Hive Thursdays

727 cheesy chips will be a thing of the past

‘Fucked to death like she ought to be’: Glasgow Uni newspaper publishes extremely graphic fictional rape story

The paper advised reader discretion

How to fake it as a Glasgow Uni student

You have to make sure everyone knows you’re vegan

Viper and Hive are battling it out over Monday nights

Viper warned clubbers ‘beware of cheap imitations’

We want you to write for The Tab Glasgow this semester

You could have the power to decide who makes the cut on clubbers of the week

£2500 worth of coffee has been ‘stolen’ from the library due to people knowing the machine code

Even the police were called to investigate, lol

These Glasgow fourth years love Mad Dog so much it was their Halloween costume

This is not your average basic bitch attire …

We guessed your sex position based on your favourite Glasgow club

HIVE is definitely missionary

This Glasgow society is hosting a month long beer festival

GSMS has a new take on Oktoberfest

This Glasgow first year set up a festival from his back garden

The guy that plays Jonny on Friday Night Dinner was there

The top places to eat if you’re stuck in Glasgow this summer

Cause what else would you do?

Meet the Glasgow first years who started their own clothing brand

Shania Twain once commented a love heart on their instagram

Love island’s Kem is coming to Glasgow and here’s how you can meet him

Maybe he’ll give me a quick trim

Remember that time Glasgow was looking all beaut in the sun

Glasgow you tease …

Viper hosted a Monday Night (W)HEAT

I bet there were some CEREAL Viper-loyals there

Are we even surprised? Glasgow in top 100 Universities in the world

We came 65th

The legend himself Jeremy Corbyn visited Glasgow this morning. Here’s what went down

The crowd were chanting ‘Jez we can’

Everything you need to know about Glasgow’s TRNSMT festival

The sitemap has just been announced

How to dress like a classic West End Wanker

Spotted: sipping a skinny iced latte, in their favourite gap yah sweater

Milo Yiannopoulos has officially been banned from speaking at Glasgow’s SU

A representative of the Union stated that his beliefs were ‘deplorable’

A much needed rant about the Glasgow library revolving door

I can’t be the only one who loathes it with a burning passion

Sneak peak: Glasgow’s Boat Club have done a naked calendar

A sneak preview of the naked rowers in all their glory

Meet the Glasgow curve model changing what you know about beauty standards

A body revolution

In defence of listening to Christmas songs in November

I can’t be the only one out there

I attempted to live off £20 a week in Glasgow’s West End

And failed bitterly