Elizabeth Foster

Elizabeth Foster


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


What the hell does the Union even do?

Is it really ‘enriching’ our lives

A bike-a-thon, farmyard fancy dress and Karmafest- Dig Deep!

Have you seen anyone wearing pig and cow costumes around campus? Here’s why they are doing it and what else Week 7 has in store.

10 UEA Student Stereotypes We All Recognise

Are you a rich bitch or a hipster, a teacher’s pet or a ‘teacher’s pet’? Not everyone can be a BNOC.

The Tab Tries… Speed Dating

Features Editor Lizzie Foster goes speed dating in search of a special someone for Valentine’s Day.

Why is he shaving his head?

Why is Matthew Morton shaving off his beautiful locks? The Tab investigates…

Headmaster Richardson… we present your school’s guide to UEA!

In honour of our new Vice Chancellor, we ask… has anything changed since school?

I spent 24 hours in the library

She was never quite the same

10 Things You Will Miss About UEA This Christmas

Roses are red, Violets are blue, we love UEA, we truly do!

The Most Awkward Places To Kill Time On Campus

Stay away from these places to avoid intense awkwardness

These Songs Are Just As Offensive As Blurred Lines

Is there any modern music that isn’t offensive to someone?

5 Desperate Ways To Economise

It’s Week 9 and student loan has already evaporated… Here are five money-saving measures for those in need!

Vote Now: The Worst Night Out In Norwich

Mantra, Wonderland, Lola’s… which is your night out nightmare?

The Best Places To Cry On Campus

It’s Week 7, and we all know what that means. See you in the Rolling Stack…

Luckiest Girl on Campus Gets Free LCR for Three Years!

New student Lauren Bird wins amazing Access All Areas pass to the LCR and Sportspark!

Don’t Let The Sun Go Down

Lizzie Foster argues that censorship is not the answer- The Sun should stay.

The Tab Tries…Clay Pigeon Shooting

Elizabeth Foster talks us through her day of Clay Pigeon Shooting…