Abi Leach

Editor, The Tab Aberystwyth

Abi Leach
Aberystwyth University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


The only thing worse than writing a dissertation is people talking about it

It’s only November for crying out loud

Shame for Aber in disappointing league tables

We’re ninth from bottom

We rated ourselves as some of the happiest students in the country

We do love to smile

Man arrested over vicious ear bite assault

He has been bailed

Aberystwyth is one of the 150 best unis in the world for Geography and Politics

We’re making a comeback

Killjoys introduce 1am curfew to stop binge drinking on the streets

Update: Check the date

Rugby Union banned after player burned with cigarette during initiation

The Rugby League captain insists initiations are optional

Do you have what it takes to be The Tab Aberystwyth’s next editor?

We are pretty special

National award honours Aberystwyth student who died

He was killed in a hit and run

Let the Presidential battle begin

Our next great leader awaits

April McMahon takes a £9,000 pay cut to stay in her job

Taking one for the team?

This is how you looked celebrating end of exams

What a week that was

How I got free pizza… for life

And I didn’t even get my kit off

Join The Tab team today and be part of the best thing in Aber since Spar

The newspaper everyone is reading

We’re at the best uni in the country, and we absolutely love it

We don’t need league tables to tell us how amazing we are

Bierkeller is the union’s best night by far

Eins, Zwei, Gsuffa (Super)!

Halls blunder escalates as Uni still haven’t confirmed move in date

Students are yet again left in the lurch

Nightlife street style: Halloween special

Aberystwyth was plagued by zombies, vampires and some rather questionable cross dressing

20 pictures showing you why you should join Aber’s Surf Club

They worked the waves and their wetsuits

Aberystwyth one of the most gay-friendly universities

Finally, we get some great feedback

Brace yourself for more storms and flooding, and maybe evacuations

Time to get building that arc?

Aber Tab is on Snapchat

Add us on abersnap. No nudes

A thousand students left homeless after uni halls cock-up

Students forced to relocate after contractors failed to complete halls on time, leaving them stranded