Eight ways to actually successfully complain to your landlord

Meet the local team

Google maps, crazy cats, and fluorescent jackets: The diary of a Deliveroo cyclist

If you’re going to make me carry this much stuff, you could at least tip me

Edinburgh Uni’s Main Library will be open despite lockdown

Borrowing books will not be permitted

The honours high jump: why moving between second and third year is harder than it looks

Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by third year

An Edi student has started a petition for a no detriment policy for fourth years

‘We are still expected to perform as if the world isn’t falling apart around us’

Scotland to enter stay at home orders and a March-like lockdown

This will be in effect from midnight tonight

The seven types of plant every Edi student has

You had me at aloe

Edi student gets ‘Boris Johnson’ tattooed on her bum to raise money for NHS

She’s raised over £1,500 for NHS Charities Together

Edinburgh University could have more staff strikes next semester

UCU Edinburgh feels they have been made to work in “unsafe” conditions

SeatEd, study spaces, and suffering: The Covid library experience

Pretty sure the app is run by some mute, sun-deprived, loincloth-sporting goblin

‘We’re scared to go back onto campus’: Edi students react to racist library assault

There will be protests on campus in the coming weeks