
Image may contain: Library, Book, Sunglasses, Accessories, Accessory, Head, Face, Room, Indoors, Person, Human

The Tab’s Top 11 dating app disasters

We asked, and you delivered (in an utterly spectacular fashion)

Image may contain: Brochure, Flyer, Paper, Label, Poster, Advertisement, Text

Grindr Diaries – some thoughts

Men are trash – Freddy Legg, 2018

Image may contain: Finger, Furniture, Couch, Swimwear, Clothing, Bikini, Person, People, Human

The results are in: The Tab’s BIG LOVE SURVEY

In other words, Tinder is riddled with English students

Image may contain: Poster, Paper, Flyer, Brochure, Trademark, Logo


O Romeo, Romeo, I accidentally swiped left on Romeo

News Roundup Week 4: Grindr Creeps, Cultural Appropriation and Magdalene Vomiters

ARMIN SOLIMANI brings you an exciting week of stress induced mania

People who piss me off, part 1: white Cambridge feminists and guys who lie about their race on Grindr

New writer ETIENNE LAURENT speaks out

Sex on Cambridge Grindr is terrible – here’s why I’m stopping

But there are some benefits

Cambridge grad invents app for cuddling strangers

Forget Tinder, now it’s all about Cuddlr.

There’s Something about Grindr…

HARRY PRANCE finds himself wishing for some good old-fashioned sex or possibly even something else.

Should We Circumcise Our Children?

This month’s seen a lot of debate over rape, abortion, and a woman’s right to control what happens to her own body. DANIEL WORRALL argues that we should be worried about men too.

Archaic Adonians

NICK CORDINGLY asks whether the the infamous Adonians are as archaic as we think.