cambridge student

The Sunday Serial: Episode 2 – Keep Calm And…

Whilst the stranger jumps into Sarah’s cupboard, a different story is unfolding on the other side of the corridor. How will the rest of this sleepy 4th year community react to the intrudor? From whence came the blood on Sarah’s carpet?

Tab Tries Trick-or-Treating

Lost the urge to knock on your neighbours door with an empty bucket and a scream mask? For Halloween TOM FAIRBAIRN revisited the pleasure…

How To Hold A Second Year House Party

Second year accomodation brings with it entirely new laws of fun-having. CHARLIE DOWELL tells us how to get it right…

Exam Faim

LEAF ARBUTHNOT takes you through the top exams treats for the big day.

Tab Tries: Chat Roulette

NICK SINCLAIR adds some serious spice to his browsing history…

Self Harm: My Experience

A glimpse into the secret, unspoken world of self harming at Cambridge…

Binge Eating: My Experience

Binge eating is one of the lesser talked about eating disorders, yet can be equally as destructive…

Confessions of the Sad, Lonely and Single

Whilst a herd of lovers flocked to Pizza Express this Tuesday past, an entirely different story was unravelling in many a lonely gyp room…

What Women Really Want This Valentine’s

As kitschy cards fly off the shelves, and many a bed is strewn with rose petals, POPPY MORRIS investigates what really gets the gals going on Saint Valentine’s…

RAG Blind Date: The Dos and Don’ts

We explain how to get your RAG date to touch you on the rump, and much more…

The Tab Companion to: Walks of Shame

RUTH MAINER explains how to turn the traditional Walk of Shame into a Stride of Pride without having to shag Brad Pitt…

Cambridge Characters: Uncle Frank

This week’s Cambridge character quite possibly revived you from near death with a fistfull of chips and a can of cold Rio just last week. LAURA GRAYLING and POPPY MORRIS speak to the infamous Uncle Frank…

Tab Cribs: Murray Edwards

JESSICA O’DRISCOLL-BREEN tells us how coming last in the room ballot led her to domestic paradise and nocturnal flashers.

Taste the Difference?

Fed up with your black hole bank account? JULIA LEPLA investigates whether Sainsbury’s Basics come at the cost of taste.