Blue Mountain is going to be kept open past February

Meet the local team

Image may contain: Architecture, Street, Road, Apartment Building, Human, Person, High Rise, Automobile, Vehicle, Car, Transportation, City, Town, Urban, Office Building, Housing, Building, Condo

Here are the funniest official suggestions that you can vote on to rename Senate House

Why not ‘Building McBuildingface’?

Image may contain: Apparel, Suit, Clothing, Coat, Overcoat, Seminar, Lecture, Speech, Audience, Crowd, Person, Human, Indoors, Classroom, Room, School

Banned speaker joins panel to speak at Bristol free speech event

The speaker was originally banned due to security concerns

Image may contain: Man, Jacket, Coat, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

Ten places to take your date in Bristol this Valentine’s Day

Anywhere but Taka Taka

Image may contain: Crowd, People, Club, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Female, Apparel, Clothing, Skin, Smile, Party, Night Life, Face, Person, Human

What your UoB Valentine’s club night says about the relationship you’re looking for

Good luck if you got Motion

Image may contain: Folding Door, Building, Office Building, Human, Person, Door

You can now get free breakfasts with an SU loyalty card

Can you hear the people SING

Image may contain: Crowd, People, Club, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Female, Apparel, Clothing, Skin, Smile, Party, Night Life, Face, Person, Human

Blue Mountain needs to stop having closing parties

How can anyone keep up with all of them

Image may contain: Shirt, Face, Person, Human, Helmet, Apparel, Clothing

UBRFC raw chicken liver incident proves rugby culture has gone too far

The club clearly lacks tolerance for players that don’t fit a certain mould

Image may contain: Electronics, Display, Screen, Monitor, Speech, Crowd, Audience, Human, Person

Bristol win three consecutive matches on University Challenge for the first time since the program started

It’s coming home

Image may contain: Female, Photography, Portrait, Photo, People, Crowd, Clothing, Apparel, Night Club, Head, Night Life, Club, Smile, Face, Party, Human, Person

The Noise Pages are actually making it harder for the uni to punish students, documents reveal

Students feel they are being ‘harassed’

Image may contain: Woman, Lighting, Smile, Female, Face, Human, Person, Jeans, Denim, Pants, Clothing, Apparel

Bristol is the best city outside of London for under 26s

Bet it’s all thanks to Taka Taka