Bristol Uni lecturer suspended by Labour for saying Starmer ‘received Zionist money’

Meet the local team

UoB Physics students fuming after only being given one extra hour for exams

Their open letter has been sent to the head of faculty 52 times so far

Bristol Uni student organises original film festival during lockdown

The festival starts today!

Image may contain: Crowd, Coat, Overcoat, Suit, Apparel, Clothing, Footwear, Shoe, Banner, Text, Human, Person

Bristol MP says cancelling rent for tenants would be ‘un-Labour’

She also said that policy would be ‘regressive’

Bristol students raise £18,000 for NHS by opting against a refund for INVADES race day

‘There are big hearts in Bristol, and we have been blown away by the kindness and generosity shown by so many’

Thousands sign petition to let Motion carry on without having to turn the volume down

Motion want future residents of the area to be warned about how loud the club is

Bristol students protest outside landlords’ home in socially distant march

‘We’re here to urge you to reconsider your stance on rent reductions and no-penalty contract release for your tenant’

‘I was told I look like Doris from Shrek’: Meet UoB’s most successful TikTokers

You think you’re good at TikTok, but have you been recognised at Temple Meads?

Image may contain: Mammal, Horse, Animal, Label, Footwear, Clothing, Apparel, Shoe, Crowd, Banner, Text, Human, Person

Bristol students to take part in socially distanced march on Bristol landlord

Students will hand deliver a letter to the directors of a Bristol-based property company

Bristol students launch campaign to re-hire academic let go from temporary contract

‘We genuinely do not believe that there is a better lecturer or personal tutor or friend than he’

‘Universities need to do better’: New documentary explores well-being support of BME students at Bristol

The documentary ‘When Well-being is White’ aims to empower black students to speak out