Revealed: These were the whitest uni subjects in 2021
Surprised law wasn’t higher on the list tbh
There are plenty of degree stereotypes when you get to uni: medics are the boring ones, english students are edgy, law students are just really really weird, and so on.
But it turns out that one stereotype being overlooked is the whitest degree subject. It won’t have escaped anyone’s attention that a lot of lectures are sometimes filled with predominantly white people. In fact, some subjects are having a huge struggle with diversity, according to new stats released by UCAS.
Agriculture takes top spot, where over 91 per cent of the students studying this degree subject are white. Veterinary sciences are a close second.
These were the whitest uni subjects in 2021:
1. Agriculture, food and related studies – 91.44 per cent
2. Veterinary sciences – 90.83 per cent
3. Geographical and environmental studies – 86.99 per cent
4. Historical, philosophical and religious studies – 82.49 per cent
5. Combined arts – 82.27 per cent
6. Education and teaching – 81.97 per cent
7. Creative arts and design – 80.79 per cent
8. Language and area studies – 80.45 per cent
9. Communications and media – 77.98 per cent
10. Technologies – 77.33 per cent
11. General and others in sciences – 77.02 per cent
12. Biological and sport sciences – 76.80 per cent
13. Humanities and liberal arts (non-specific) – 76.70 per cent
14. Physical sciences – 74.32 per cent
15. Psychology – 72.39 per cent
16. Combined sciences – 71.57 per cent
17. Combined and general studies – 70.45 per cent
18. Mathematical sciences – 68.48 per cent
19. Social sciences – 67.99 per cent
20. Social Studies – 67.35 per cent
21. Architecture, building and planning – 65.02 per cent
22. Subjects allied to medicine – 61.83 per cent
23. Computing – 60.03 per cent
24. Engineering and technology – 59.90 per cent
25. Business and management – 58.84 per cent
26. Engineering – 58.63 per cent
27. Law – 58.60 per cent
28. Medicine and dentistry – 47.64 per cent
Statistics are taken from UCAS data on applicants for 2021, and calculated as white applicants as a percentage of total applicants for subjects with over 500 applications.
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