The 10 wildest but most believable Squid Game 2 theories that simply must be true
Ok so why do I believe every single one?
Right now, our world is filled with theories following Squid Game 2. Every day it’s Gi-hun this, Front Man that, and I’ll be honest with you, I’m dining out on every single bit of it.
But the mountain of theories floating around is getting a little out of control. Some are straight up ridiculous, but others, they might actually be on to something. Season three of the show is coming later this year, and they hint a lot of good drama is still to come.
Here’s a full roundup of all the best Squid Game 2 theories that are sending everyone into meltdown.
1. Gi-hun will be the next Front Man

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One of the biggest Squid Game 2 theories going around right now is that Gi-hun will be the next Front Man, and there’s a lot of evidence. The most obvious being that the current Front Man, like Gi-hun, is a previous winner.
People also noticed Gi-hun’s morals slipping when he called the revolt a “sacrifice” of some lives, plus there are actually a lot of similarities between Gi-hun and the current Front Man. Let’s also not forget the creepy player who said she could tell fortunes, and told Gi-hun: “You’re here for a reason. You were drawn by destiny”.
2. The Front Man is season one Player 001’s son!
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Ok the theory I’m most hooked on personally is the idea The Front Man might be previous Player 001’s son! Remember the old man from season one? We found out he was behind the games, and then he died. He and The Front Man have both at some point played as 001, and were head of the games. A good start for the theory.
At the end of season one, we found out The Front Man’s brother is the police officer. In season two of Squid Game, the police officer and his mother were seen talking about how his father had passed away. The Front Man was also there in the final scenes with the old man, as he passed away.
Then, in season one there was a scene where Gi-hun was given milk by one of the games’ guards. He refused it and said he “can’t drink regular milk.” When he then went to sit and eat with the old man, Oh Il-nam said: “You’re just like my son” and explained he too can’t drink milk. Flash forward to The Front Man as Player 001 in season two – he offers his milk to the pregnant player. He does this because he “can’t drink it”. It’s all adding up!
3. Player 246 is still alive

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People have questioned one of the deaths we saw in Squid Game 2, and theories say this player is still alive. During the revolt, Player 246 lost his life. We also know him as the father of the girl in the strawberry hat, who is unwell.
Player 246 has a link to Shooter 011, who had previously met his sick daughter. Now remember, Shooter 011 had been previously non-fatally shooting players. Did she shoot 246 at the end and save his life? The theory seems to think so.
4. The boat captain is a bad, bad man

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I think come the end of season two, it was pretty clear the captain of the boat was a shady man. If you’re not sure who I mean, that guy apparently “helping” the police officer and Gi-hun’s army to track down the games, and end them. We saw him kill a member of the crew, and it’s now pretty obvious there must be a reason he and the officer have searched all the islands, but never found *the* one.
The theory goes that the boat captain is something to do with the games. Maybe he helps get the players over to the island, or transports the workers over? It’s also thought he might be part of the organ harvesting scheme, boating the organs back and forth.
5. Thanos’ dad was a previous winner of the games

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People have spotted a detail they think proves rapper Thanos is the son of a previous Squid Game winner. In episode three of Squid Game 2, Thanos’s conversation with the girl he likes references his dad. This was just as Gi-hun started to kick off to the players about the reality of Red Light, Green Light.
Thanos said Gi-hun sounded “like my old man when he gets home drunk”. He added: “Says there’s a freaking bug in his head.” If Thanos’s dad was a previous winner, he would have also had a chip in his head just like Gi-hun did.
7. One player might be a VIP
A further theory thinks a player in season two is actually an undercover VIP. The VIPs from season one are those guys in gold masks who fund the games, and enjoy watching people die.
Well, people think Im Jeong-dae, aka Player 100, is one. You might remember him as the loud older man, who was desperate for the games to go on. Seemed like the behaviour of someone who wasn’t scared, right?
Being a VIP would explain why he wasn’t scared of playing more games and never seemed to struggle in any of them. According to the theory, he knew what games were coming and was certain he wouldn’t die, so had no problem voting to continue. Player 100 also said he was 10billion won in debt, which was much higher than any of the other players, and seemed fake.
8. Wait, player 149 is the mastermind behind Squid Game?!

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I might need to sit down for a bit, because the wildest of all the Squid Game 2 theories claims 149 is a hidden mastermind behind the games?! Prepare to never look at the adorable grandma in the same light again.
First off, whilst all the other players joined the games because of their debts, she joined to “help her son”. But, does that just mean she came with the power to protect him since she knows the risks the games hold? A lot of people are also speculating she could actually be Player 001’s wife from the first season of the show, which would be a huge twist.
She was also allowed to take in that weapon in her hair, which seemed like special treatment. Then in the game where the players had to run into the rooms in groups, Player 001 saved her. Convenient!
There are three theories about what the next game could be, mostly based on the Squid Game 2 post-credits scene

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At the end of Squid Game 2 there was a post-credits scene, and a lot of theories have come from this. The creator of the show has said the scene hinted at the game coming next, so people have got thinking.
Firstly, people believe it might have been showing a Jack and Jill style game. As the story goes, Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down, and Jill came tumbling down after. According to the game, players recreate this by rolling a dice to climb the hill. They then spin a wheel, which either points to a well or a bucket. If you spin and it points to the well, you climb upwards. If you spin and it points to the bucket, you fall down. The aim of the game is to be the first to reach the top.
People also spotted the red and green traffic light in the post-credits scene. This has got people thinking that the final game will force the players to lie on two railway tracks as a “train” approaches them. Other players will then have to decide which way they want to send the train, choosing who to kill and save. Brutal!
Aside from the post-credits scene, another hint has got us guessing about season three. In the first season, people noticed drawings around the dormitory where the players lived. All along, these had the games in them. This season, there was a drawing on the wall that looked a lot like people hanging from a bar. Monkey bars anyone?
Squid Game 2 is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.