Pop that pint down: Manchester named as the most sober uni in the UK

Just in time for dry January

Whether you took it too far with the Baby Guinness’ over Christmas and New Year, or choose a lifestyle which excludes alcohol, and you prioritise other ways to unwind and socialise, you’ll be pleased to hear that a new study has revealed that the University of Manchester is the best university for sober students.

A study conducted by This Is Fresh has determined that The University of Manchester is the number one university if you are looking for activities that aren’t revolved around drinking in Manchester.

The uni came before Leeds, King’s, Edinburgh and UCL, and was joint first with Glasgow.

The “sobriety rating” is calculated by a few key factors including how many students there are, how many sober societies, the numbers of bars in the surrounding area and available support services.

Even though Manchester is renowned for its vibrant nightlife and wide variety of pubs, bars and nightclubs, with 1,912 bars accessible from The University of Manchester, the study found that there’s lots of societies and support for sober and sober curious students, with 415 sober societies and 33 support services available to students.

The University of Manchester said: “Manchester has a vibrant nightlife, but not everything has to involve alcohol… The city boasts social events all week round, whether that’s cinema, theatre, music, restaurants, cafés and walks around our wider city areas.”

In a big city such as Manchester there are many ways to make friends, and enjoy their company without the fear of hangxiety the next day – from bowling, to sightseeing the best there is to see in Manny such as Old Trafford or Afflecks, and a list of sober activities can be found here.

Support on any alcohol related issues from The University of Manchester can be found here, from Manchester Metropolitan can be found here, and from Salford can be found here.

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