Here’s all the things to do in your Notts lectures that don’t involve work

Who really does work in lectures anyway?

As the distant horizon of the Christmas holidays gets closer and closer, students up and down Nottingham get more and more bored. We all start the year with the best intentions of paying attention in and doing all the pre work, but come November, it’s an achievement if any of us actually make it to our lectures at all.

A QR code a day keeps student services away, but this doesn’t mean that your lectures have to be one or two hours of hard work. In fact, as I’m writing this, I’m sat in a 4-6 Friday lecture and dreading the trek back up Derby Road in the pitch black. So to help aid in getting you through the day, here’s a comprehensive guide of all the things to do that don’t involve actually doing your degree.

Online shopping

As I look around the lecture theatre, I can see that I’m not the only one with this idea. This has range too! Maybe you want to shop for your Wednesday night crisis outfit or maybe you need comfies for when you’re slaving away in George Green library. At that point, it’s basically uni work.


Now for this one, you’ve got to be somewhere at the back. Although, to be fair, who’s going to tell you not to if you’re sat at the front? If it’s a two hour lecture, that’s time for a whole movie. Word of warning though – make sure your headphones are firmly in. You gotta test it before you just hit play or the whole room is going to stare at you.

Plan your activities for reading week

Reading week is approaching for those of you that get one. I’m very jealous because I don’t but if I did, then you better believe all my free time would be spent thinking about what I was going to do. If you’re going home, get those plans in place. WhatsApp on your laptop is the best thing that’ll ever happen to you. If you’re sticking around in Nottingham, consider a trip to the Victoria centre or maybe a lovely brunch at Avocafe. Much like in your lectures, you don’t have to do work in reading week.


This is what I spend most of my time doing in lectures. You can’t beat it. Maybe you’re reliving your weekend antics at Ocean or maybe you’re thinking up imaginary conversations and impeccable responses to something someone said to you five days ago. Honestly, I’m so much funnier when I’ve had a few days to think about it.

Text your parents

For those of you that put off that call or message home, this is the perfect time. You’ll have to lie to them and pretend you’re not in a lecture, but this is a great opportunity to make their day. Just make sure they don’t get too excited and try to call because that’s the last thing you need.

Meal plan

This is such a good idea, I might start doing it once I’ve finished writing this. It’s very important to have three balanced meals a day so really, this will just improve your performance in lectures. Arguably even more important than the lectures you pay for. Picture your fridge and cupboard and start writing a shopping list. You can even pick it up from Lidl or little Sainos on your way back home! Maybe it’s finally time to try that creamy chicken pasta I’ve seen all over my Insta…

Read The Tab Nottingham

Shameless plug but a fantastic use of your time. Bonus points if you’re currently reading this in a lecture.

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