Bouncer sentenced following assault

Kadeem Ali gets 17 months


A bouncer received a 17 month prison sentence last Friday following the robbery and assault of several students, including one from Lufbra, within Nottingham’s city centre.

The 23-year-old bouncer had targeted two Loughborough students following a night out in the city on March 12.

Kadeem Ali pled guilty to one count of actual bodily harm (ABH) as well as one count of robbery and the possession of cannabis at Friday’s hearing in Nottingham Crown Court.

Ali was sentenced for 12 months in relation to the robbery, as well as an additional month for breaking his suspended sentence conditions and four months for assault. He received a further two months for drug related charges.

Dawn Pritchard of the prosecution described how the first year student from Lufbra was “terrified they’d be seriously hurt” after they were cornered in an alleyway by Ali.

One of the students managed to escape the attack.

Pritchard continued, stating that Ali aggressively pinned the student to a wall by their neck and threatened to stab them if they did not hand over their money, though a knife was not believed to have been seen at the scene.

The second incident occurred less than a week later, in which another student, not believed to be from Loughborough, was punched and kneed by Ali.

Police witnessing the scene pursued Ali and detained him, discovering cannabis in his pockets. The wallet and phone of Ali’s first victim were later found in his home following a search.

Ali’s defence claimed that a  recent bereavement had sent him on a “downward spiral.”

However, previous records relating to driving and assault offences suggested to Judge J Sampson that Ali presented a high risk of further offending.