Your comprehensive list of Glasgow Uni ins and outs for 2024

This just in: Byres Road is out

Uni has just begun in the new year, and with that comes the list of what we need to leave in 2023 and what to bring into 2024. Whether your list involves starting the gym, trying a new hobby, or whether that’s to spend less. I’m sure we all share similar INS and OUTS on our lists.

Here is that list, that many of you contributed to!


1. Pub Quizzes

Now this is always going to be an IN like come on. Who doesn’t love to go to the pub with your friends, grab a pint and do terribly in the pub quiz? Certainly a little more wholesome than *just* going to get smashed. I think I’ve only ever gotten a few answers right in pub quizzes, my most memorable answer was about Minecraft…

2. Little treats between lectures

You are missing out if you don’t love a little treat between lectures. Sweet treats are an IN for 2024, it is a new form of self-care and I am here for it! Whether it’s a sweet pastry or an Uber Eats, you deserve it. Trust me, when I say this is a personal favourite for 2024.

3. Extracurriculars

Do you have spare time and want to meet new people and have new hobbies? Then extracurriculars are an IN for you in 2024. Glasgow University has many different clubs, societies, and sports teams. Speaking of extracurriculars… we The Tab Glasgow the first contributors of 2024 this Thursday at Bank St Bar + Kitchen at 5pm. If you are interested in writing or want to meet new people then come along and check out some of our commissions!

4. Going to the gym

Using the uni gym is an IN for me in 2024. I enjoy the gym but tend to go elsewhere instead of the uni gym. The gym is a great place to meet new people who enjoy the gym, and get advice and help from the employees. Even using the squash courts, which I need to try out.

5. Going to lectures and being an academic weapon

Going to lectures is an IN for 2024.  Going to lectures, seeing friends, sharing notes and catching up need to be kept within 2024. Trust me, I have missed lectures due to various reasons. So it’s not always the case of going to every lecture, but if you can, go! you will learn so much information that you may have missed from the slides.


1. Loud talkers in the library

Loud talkers are OUT in 2024. There is nothing worse than trying to concentrate on an assignment, reading sources or even doing an exam and hearing people either eating loudly or talking loudly. I don’t know about you but it makes me lose focus I feel like we’ve all done this before as well.

2. The subway circles being suspended

There is genuinely nothing more that needs to not be taken into 2024 than the subway circles being suspended at least once a week. This means maybe taking the bus which adds on a chunk of time or just not heading into uni altogether, which is not what we want.

3. Cold lectures

Cold lecture halls or classrooms in general are the worst thing to ever exist. Seriously, I think that maybe bringing a hot water bottle to classes wouldn’t be that absurd. There is no room for chilly lectures in 2024, as much as it makes us appreciate the summer when it comes, it needs to go.

4. Byres Road

Now, I love Byres Road but it can be so hectic when trying to get to uni. There also seem to never be any spaces in cafes to grab a quick bite and relax. Perhaps, Byres Road needs to be left in 2023…not literally, we can’t take out the street, unfortunately. Maybe it’s time to explore more of the West end and find new local favourites.

5. Procrastinating

Procrastination has to go in 2024. This is the year for being an academic weapon and indulging in self-care. Although we all do it, because some of us work better “under stress” we deserve to give ourselves a stress-free time when it comes to exams, and assignments and to have time for the proper self-care we deserve.

Is there any you think deserved a place on the list? Do you have any personal ones you think other people should add to theirs? Let us know over on The Tab Glasgow Instagram.

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