Feeling unmotivated? Here are four ways to tackle the start of term at Exeter Uni
Because January is already as tough as it is
As the Exeter Christmas markets dismantle and Michael Bublé has been put back into the freezer for another year, the well known “January Blues” can come at full force. Coming back to university after Christmas is rough. Especially when you have to get back into routine with immediate effect as a result of procrastinating your deadlines (we know you didn’t open ELE once). When coming back to your uni house in January, it’s cold, it’s lonely, it’s probably got some new damp and mould that has grown in tenfold. It’s hell and horror. Beginning a new year and a new term can be tough for students, causing them a bad case of the January Blues as a result of their overwhelming pile of assignments and exams. Although you may feel really unmotivated to open your laptop and finish off that 3000-word essay, there are ways to fight against the blues. So, here are some ways to tackle this feeling and distract yourself from the torment of January.
1. Catch up with friends
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Catching up with friends is essential for beating those January Blues. Since you and your friends haven’t seen each other over the Christmas period, there is going to be a lot to catch up on. When having a catch up with friends, it’s always nice to get out the house to arrange a meet up with them. Perhaps a cute coffee date in Sunset Society or grabbing a Barisca coffee in Queens. Or even making the catch up extra special by going for lunch; nothing beats telling your friend all the hot gossip about your current situationship with a side of Wagamamas. However you decide to catch up with friends, this will seriously help get rid of any January sadness. Surrounding yourself with people you love will lift your mood!
2. Prioritise your well-being
In this stressful period of beginning a new term, battling the January cold and trying your best to get back into routine, it can be hard to put our well-being as a top priority. It is so important for uni students to take care of themselves and having a self-care routine can be done in multiple ways. Treat yourself to more little rewards and little treats. No matter how big or small, it is important to gift ourselves for completing the hardest of tasks (even if that is attending your 9am lecture). Even having a break from your library sessions by having a walk around Exeter and reconnecting with nature. Also, be sure to leave free time for nights in with your friends or indulge in a self-care evening with yourself where you get to reset, clean and unwind: A clear space equals a clear mind.
3. Get back into routine
When coming back to uni after the holidays, getting back into routine can be difficult. Especially when you have spent all of Christmas on the sofa, losing all track of time. Although getting back into routine can be hard, the sooner you get back into it, the easier it will be. Having a routine will allow you to feel more motivated, more energised and more productive as you can get things done. With a routine, you can actually stick to your New Year’s resolution of attending your seminars as you are now holding yourself accountable by getting into a routine. Your routine doesn’t have to be strict as that can have the opposite effect and lead to burn out. By just having a simple routine of setting alarms, sticking to your uni timetable, cooking and making sure you’re getting enough sleep you will feel more accomplished and less sluggish.
4. Have things to look forward to
In January, it can often feel like there is nothing to look forward to as all of the major holidays are done and now it’s just cold, wet and dark. With essays, exams and assignments building up, it can feel like there is nothing exciting happening and can make those January Blues even tougher to battle. That’s why I suggest always having things to look forward to. Always plan something with your friends. It is so important to stay in touch with your friends and make sure to have people around you when going through the cold, often lonely, month of January. Drop your friends a text on the group chat about going out sometime that week, I’m sure they are also down for a Sketch Friday or a Cavern Tuesday. No matter what it is, always have something nice planned and you’ll avoid the January Blues.