Pubs and restaurants to remain shut for another week Nicola confirms

Meet the local team

Black Edinburgh student called ‘fit George Floyd’ on Tinder by white student

‘He super-liked me just to say that’

Here’s everything you need to know about this year’s ECFS

The theme for 2021 is distortion

Major Scottish universities failed to reduce their halls capacity despite Covid risk

Only seven unis reduced capacity

An Edinburgh student has been spotted plucking pheasants in a halls courtyard

The classic EdinbRAH student

‘We’re not yahs’ says Edi student behind the Nicola Sturgeon TikTok riling up boomers

‘Nicola would probably last three days in Edi halls and then scamper back to Holyrood’

Freshers in Edinburgh halls found dead mice in their pantries

Pictures of the mice were posted to the Pollock Prisoner Instagram

Go food shopping and we’ll tell you your student vibe

It’s time to find out what your eating habits say about you

I had to self-isolate in Edinburgh and this is a breakdown of what it was like

Hint: there’s a lot of wine involved

If you haven’t seen The Social Dilemma yet this is why you should

Do I need to delete insta ASAP?

There are 8 types of second year flats and I’m about to tell you which one you are

Please don’t be the flat parent