Tab Cribs

Tab Cribs – Cambridge’s nicest room

Whilst some of us are living in converted fuse boxes just off Grange Road, WILL is only too happy to inhabit The Best Room In The World. Join BEN DALTON as he delves into how the other half live

Tab Cribs: The King’s Parade Room-with-a-view

Kévin Cristin has hit the big time. He has a room, a view and a mini fridge. Join BEN DALTON for a snoop around his quarters

Cambridge Cribs: Julius Handler, Churchill

This week’s episode takes us to the Crib of Julius, a man a bit out of his time.

Tab Cribs: Moscow State Linguistic University

Inspired by last weekend’s international Jailbreak splurge, Tab Cribs sets up shop in Moscow. ?? ??????????? Tab Cribs!

Tab Cribs: Corpus Christi

RUTH MARINER has always been an enigma. BEN DALTON and SEBASTIAN SALEK jump at the chance to step into her room, and into the unknown…

Tab Cribs: Murray Edwards

JESSICA O’DRISCOLL-BREEN tells us how coming last in the room ballot led her to domestic paradise and nocturnal flashers.

Tab Cribs: St John’s

DUNCAN MAUD tells BEN DALTON a tale of domestic bliss from his room at John’s. Just without a bidet.

Tab Cribs: St Catz

Tab Cribs is back, and this week we’re at St Catz. Chris Apperley, a 3rd year Historian, chats badgers, coffins and space hoppers from the comfort of his absolutely gigantic boudoir.

Tab Cribs: Christ’s

The Tab pays a visit to Christ’s and unearths a thoroughly Cribs-worthy crib owned by Ben, the JCR President. The gorgeous beams and stunning view make it a room to be shared.

Tab Cribs: Newnham

Tab Cribs visits Newnham to meet Liz and her balcony.

Tab Cribs: Peterhouse

Does John’s really have the monopoly on exquisite sets? This week its Peterhouse who is making a bid for the Cribs crown…

Tab Cribs: St John’s

There is only one word for this week’s featured set… Crib-tastic.

Tab Cribs: Emma

Feel like your life is missing some cream-coloured class? In this week’s Cribs, Emma shows off her wares to the general public…prepare to be stunned.

Tab Cribs: Catz

So you reckon you’ve seen everything Cambridge accommodation has to offer? Think again.