
A letter to my Samaritans saviour

It took a stranger on the end of the phone to keep me alive: why Cambridge needs to do more about mental health.

What a suicide attempt showed me about mental health and Cambridge

I was given the number of a crisis team, and was told by them that I didn’t need their help

REVIEW: 4.48 Psychosis

Dani Cugini is still recovering from this brilliant production

Tim Squirrell – Men have problems too

This week, TIM SQUIRRELL wants to broach the subject of men’s issues…

Cripple in Cambridge – Week 3

In Mental Health Week ABBI BROWN takes a break from being our in-house cripple to become our in-house clinical depressive.

46% of Cambridge students Depressed

We asked, and you responded – in startling numbers. Nearly half of the Cambridge student population are suffering from depression, a Tab survey shows.

1 In 5 Students Have Mental Health Issues, NUS Study Claims

Findings from a recent NUS survey suggest that 20% of students suffer from mental health problems.

Don’t Be Ashamed Of Caesarian Sunday

The infamous JOHNNIE WYVERN on why the party shouldn’t stop.

Tab Cribs: Moscow State Linguistic University

Inspired by last weekend’s international Jailbreak splurge, Tab Cribs sets up shop in Moscow. ?? ??????????? Tab Cribs!


New writing being predictably unpredictable, it’s perhaps not surprising that ZULFIQAR ALI found the wrong bits funny about this show.

Agony Aunt: The Pursuit Of Sexual Satisfaction.

L&L deal with some students whose sexual needs are causing problems. Amusing problems. Amusing problems L&L then solve with an equally amusing answer.

Suicide Dean Faced Sex Claims

The Dean of King’s has been found dead after it emerged he was being investigated for child abuse.