
Image may contain: Back, Underwear, Clothing, Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Jar, Flora, Person, People, Human

REVEALED: Cambridge’s best bums winner 2017

The people have spoken

Trinity tops it again: Tompkins Table 2017

Where did your college come?

SEXIT: Selwyn votes to remain in CUSU

Brexit means Brexit, But Sexit doesn’t mean Sexit.

The Tab is voting YES to keeping class lists

You’re arrogant to think anyone cares what you got

PORN SURVEY: Top comments

“Don’t accidentally and drunkenly share it on Facebook. Very bad idea.”

PORN SURVEY RESULTS: including Cambridge’s most porn-obsessed faculty

We asked. Over a thousand of you answered.

Tompkins Table 2014: Trinity Triumphs, Catz Fucks Up

The Results are in! Trinity turns up trumps again, but there are a few juicy surprises…

Provost Pins King’s Slip on Protests

The Provost of King’s College has blamed a drop in grades last year on students attending protests against Government fee hikes.

Lineker Sees Red Over Cambridge Exam System

Gary Lineker has gone on the offensive against a new Cambridge A-level after his son failed to score the grades he needed.

A Welcome To The A* Freshers

Congratulations from The Tab to all those who made their grades today.

Debate: Are we Over-Examined?

LIZ ELDER and JUAN ZOBER DE FRANCISCO question whether we are an over-examined generation.