The Mexican Standoff lives up to its interminable Facebook campaign, wielding more than guns, tacos and tequila for RHONDA NICHOLL.
Hughes Hall, receive a heritage blue plaque this Saturday to honour their 125th anniversary, which the college will celebrate with a street party.
A new service has been delivering anonymous messages to people’s pigeon holes across the University.
Newnham Principal Dame Patricia Hodgson slammed the ‘ladette culture’ last week; KATIE MAIR slams her misconception of today’s young women.
Dame Patricia Hodgson last week condemned the ladette culture that is leaving girls feeling stupid, inferior and pressured to play on their good looks.
A Peterhouse? “Gay sex with a Tory MP who doesn’t believe there was really a holocaust. Yummy.” Here is Part Two.
Deputy Editor ELLIE PITHERS investigates why girls at Cambridge should try to “write like a boy”.
ALASDAIR PAL: ‘Newnham got the Big Decisions right: a well-executed theme over a big headline act; plentiful drink over quality and outrageous queues; and the ability to get a square foot of henna inked across your face.’
ED CUMMING on why we should be laughing rather than lamenting when our neighbours vocalise their bestial bedroom passions.
Our resident food critic avoids being labelled a paedo during a relatively civillised evening of intergenerational swapping.
Newnham students have received a JCR email with a difference – telling them not to have NOISY SEX late at night.
The Tab starts its quest to find you Cambridge’s best deals for dining out without breaking the budget. This week: Bella Italia.
Confusion has struck the planning of many May Balls, with a number of colleges choosing identical themes.
Which would you…? New Hall take on Newnham to battle it out for the title of fit college. VOTE NOW!
Grab a partner and join the Round, Cambridge’s Folk Dancing Soc. Yes.